February 27, 1941 Bre Sillfem A. Andrews 1820 ©. 50th Street vestwood Hills Kensas City, Moe Dear Villiem: The tickets for the Oklahoma geme have all been sold out since Februsry 9. However, I em turning your money ever to Nre Esrl Palkenstein, the financial secretary of the athletic Associations Standing room is the only thing thet is left end tickets are seventy-five cents coaches ‘fowever, 1 am sure if you will get some old folding camp stool thet you will Pind some plece in the auditorium that would give you « good view of the bell game. ‘© cen not promise you any space, thoughe ‘his is only « suggestion from a basketbs 11 coach to a basketball fang — : fhere are no reserved eiiate lefts All of them heve been gold since the middle of Februarye °I would suggest that you write Wre Felkenstein as to wisthor or not you want your money returned, or whether you want to tere a chance on seeing this ball game from the vantage point that I have described, Regretting the fect thet we have no good seats left, end thanking you for your letter end remittence, I am, Sineerely yours, ; FoAsig:min Director of Physicel Education and Yecrestion Varsity Besketbell Coach