Mre J. Alan Coogan, - United Press Associations, ‘ Avenida Rio Branco 110-4°, , Rio be Janeire, Brazil, S.A. Dear Alans I enjoyed your epistie very mish. I took it home and let Mit read it, and then Bobby came for his wedding to Jean McFarland, which ecourred on April 26, and I mde it a point to let him read it. Ho seamed to enjoy it very much. : Yes, Joan is a sister of Retty. ‘Betty married Lieut. ioe. Penfield Kendall. Lieut. Kendall hasbeen in the Southwest Pacific but is now docked with his flattop at San Francises for repairs efter having met some of the Jap hate which they threw at him. Betty and have been living in Chicago where he was in business until the call of service came. I believe he is a southerner but I do not know where he met Betty. they have ene little girl about five or six He tt Dick Bdelblute did have quite a case but things never materialized. Dick is in the service. I saw him two years ago at ea basketball gene and he had just married a girl, I think, from Topeka.. = waidews ther Mik Ger WO ecatintes at career ac Heroules. He did very well there, indeed, financially and otherwise. But he being of the age - 29 - was terminated and was offered a commission both in the marines ami in the navy, but was color blind to the spectrum test. So ‘he has been practioing law here a couple of months waiting for his call, which may come not before July 1st now on secount of the preferential - emphasis upon the 26 and under age group. ile gets a big laugh out of the fect that I am secretary of the Selective Service board here. He said he knew when I got that job that he was surely ing It was a tough tieak that he was color blind, but just too bad. Isabel and Mit have but the one child, Judy, who is six years of age and quite a golden-haired gal. SHe has all the coordimation of Mit and Isabel so you imow they are both kept pretty busy endeavoring to.