=e keep track of her. Mit bought a home at 2022 Vermont Street, a very pretty cottage and they seem to take a lot of pride in it. Mit, Isabel and diddy were over at the house last night and we had quite @ conversation about Alan Coogan and his family when your mother and your brother were in Lawrence. : Please accapt my congratulations on the new arrival and the fine family that you now have. Mit disoussed your family and paid a very wonderful compliment on the beauty of Helen Townsley and what a fine girl she was. Please extend the Allen's best wishes to your good wife. Bob had but a Piveeday furlough from Philadelphia. He graduates in late August or early September and then goza to his interneship at Behl Menorial Hospital, so we will get a chance to see them »efere long. | I em enclosing several Jayhawk Rebounds which will provide you reading for quite some few months. This will give the dope on the Allen family better than I san write it ina letter. ‘This Rebounds was scone | ceived because I desired to keep each one of the boys in service who were old Jayhawkers informed as to the addresses of tho other chaps on the seven seas and the many world battle fronts. This is one of the ser- viees that I thought I could render the boy they seem to appreciate it very much. out of reading about some of the boys who have done a swell job, al ation. There may be mention of some of whom you have knowne Same day I may get at this idea of picking ss iiaictin ik eral ed second &ll-great teams, mah ems nhvele Aida, memning 4am. poh up Ae 1%. I trust you will forgive me, and I assure States some time ! will sit dowm and pick _ for publication at ths present time. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. |