Oklahoma High School Athletic Association Member of National Federation of High School Athletic Associations OFFICERS BOARD OF CONTROL R. B. JOHNSON, JENKS, PRESIDENT LEE K. ANDERSON, SECRETARY R. E. CRUDUP, MCALESTER BENNIE A. MCELYEA, HOBART, VICE-PRESIDENT 314 KEY BUILDING W. D. JOHNSON, SKIATOOK DEWITT WALLER, ENID, TREASURER PHONE 7°2744 WALTER P. MARSH, EL RENO OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. November 8, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: It was necessary for us to go ahead and set our tourne- ment dates so that teams could prepare their schedules of indi- vidual games and plan for other tournament dates. We have set March 6, 7, 8 for our final chempionship tournament, so we will be clear of all possible competition with the college play-off. This of course necessitated cutting our season short and a number of our schools are not well pleased. Yours truly, LEE K. ANDERSON, Secretary LKA/f