== fact that it would be te the advantage of a player te sheet at the basket frem a distance of 8, 10, er 12 feet rather than have the big beys camp under the basket and jab er dunk them in. The added height ef the basket would measurable clear up the congestion that always exists under the 10 feet basket. The big, rugged guard whe sets himself te bleek out the incoming man and the tall mezzanine hurdler whe camps near the basket woul@ ef necessity have te move back on aceount of the higher are ef dispersement of the bounding ball from a 12 feet basket. Therefere, it would elear up that cengested area, and it weuld give the sherter man a decided advantage because when a bail is arehed for the geal, if by striking the basket the are of dis- persement would eause a further rebemiding of the ball, the big man moves baek away from the basket. Then the small man, should the ball miss the basket and drep dewn te the fleer, could dart in and quickly steal the ball before the big mam could cover this added space that he new protects and reserves fer himself under this lewer basket. By foreing the defens~ ive man further back and away frem the basket it weuld naturally give the sherter and speedier mau more area te eperate in without melestation. I believe that you ean easily visualize this peint. It would alse strike a blew at the zene defense. Many ef these prepememts ef the 10 feot basket whe are eppenents of the 12 feet basket remind me of a young shortsighted farmer eas of Kansas City whe cemplained that his father was the mest shert-sighted business man that he had ever seen. He left him five hundged acres of the fimest farming land in Jackson Coumty that was werth a theusand @ellars m acre. But the son complained that the father did net leave him one darned thing te farm it with. That remind me of these basket~ ball ceaches the weuld much rather imherit a tall player after their anaual imtensive search for mezzanine hurdlers than they weuld actually ge te the trouble ยป install a 12 feet basket andtry the game out under these conditions. _ | believe that I can say witheut fear ef contradiction that not ten per cent of all the ceaches of the United States have sema 12 foot basket. Therefere, seme of these coaches whe have derived their life in- | eome from the game have never put anything inte it but have been constant- ly taking eut. They sit around and complain about their players geing eut on four personal fouls, and yet they de neo mere about impreving the game er cerrecting the difficulty /than this Jackson County farmer. ) We have twe 12 feet baskets in eut gymmasium, and have had then installed fer fifteen years. We use them fer the purpbse of teaching our players correct arching of the ball. And as fer the cost of raisinga ~., geal twe feet + that is a rare jeke. Mest goals are suspended from the ceiling and all yeu weuvld have to de is sherten the pipe twe feet. The bhll for basketballs each year double exceeds the cost of raising the basket te 12 feet, se this plea fer economy is rare. These coaches speak as if the cost of raising the baskets would come out ef their own peckets and Juss try te get it from them. (aaa