-5@ the sperts editers were tinetured by the opinion of many ef the coaches whe doubtless had expressed their epinien em the 12 feet basket te the spertseasters and the sports editers. I ask hew etherwise weuld the spertseasters and the sperts editers knew, umless they were just guessing it weuldm"t be a geed thing, because I am sure they haven't seem any 12 feet baskets. Many Mark Cex has seem a pair. If he hasn't his guess en the baskets woulé be as good as the fact when he said the Eastern Intereolleg- iate playeeffs were played in Independemee Hall im Philadelphia in his article in Esquire. You mentioned several ef the ceaches whe were against the raising ef the 12 feet basket. Wouldn't it have beem fair te have mentioned more than Ward Dumbert as favoring the idea - say Hemry Iba, Bruce Drake, and a scere of others? The elevated basket will ceme as sure as death and taxes. There is ne way that these administraters can frame a rule that will net be dise crimimatery and I am geing to get a great chuckle eut ef watehing these beys thét oppese a 12 feot basket view these 7 feet boys like Kurland. In thébr confusion they would,'t know what te do, and they get licked. However, there is a way to beat a team with a 7 feet player but yeu have te spend mamy weeks in preparing fer just that one team and ene player. We will beat many teams with tall players amd w e have had very few tall centerse Se I am not kicking on my ows personal account, but 1 am endeaver- ing te impreve the game. And please remember that t here is neo 12 feet basket suggestion fer high seheel players, ~ just fer college and independ- ent teamse With all goed wishes, I am Sineorely yours, Director ef Physical Education FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. P.S. My suggestion always has been if amd when such a rule sheuld be en= acted in elevating the basket that there should be a moraterium of three years in order te permit any player new im the game full play under the 10 feet basket. The enceming tall players would naturally play under the mew rule. Alse, the free throw is suggested from a disteuce of 20 feet em account ef the imereased height of ‘the basket making the trajectory easier for the thrower. FeC ede