PS, eee Ba Se GOAL THIDING or DRPENSIVE PLAYER FORBIDIBN TO TOUCH BALL. ON DOWUNARD FLIGHT Tho National Basketball Rules Committee at their last meeting proved iteelf te be a “model” rules committee ~ sce Webster - “a model isa omall imitation of the real thing". The rules body temperized. ‘They did net meet issue squarely. | the rules eaanittee did nothing a»ewt the extremely td] player on the offense, But they hunored @ pressure croup whieh protested against the giant goal tender on defense, Symptomatiesl ly they datbled awkvardly in the cane divestion of thely mistakes the previews years Why discriminate Against the defense wile permitting full freedom te the offense as the sane rule concerns in principle the extremely tall player under both baskets, The newly exaeted geal tending rule will be only about ten per cent efficient, 1 predict that Hank Iba and other orafty eonehes with goal tending giants will still pleee their goal tenders in front and under the defensive basket. Had the rules ecmzittee members done any researeh previous to their hasty setion and studied the flight of the ball toward the basket they would have ‘iseovered that an extremely tall player oan still steal most shots before the ball gets te the baskets The bald duey met begin Ste Commend are generally umtil it gete above the basket. 4 leet players shoot “siimore” = low shots = just clearing the rine The ball leaves the players hands at a height of less than six feet and the basket is ten foot high, hones tall defensive players will got the ball while it Ae still going ups Offensive shooters eamnct readily learn a new areh ahot just for the benefit of the hyperstall geal tender without seriously