Public Schools, Kansas City, Missouri LIBRARY BUILDING NINTH AND LOCUST STREETS HEROLD GC. HUNT, SUPERINTENDENT NADINE E. MILLER PUBLIC INFORMATION SERVICE March 5, 1943: To Presidents of Colleges and Universities: Kansas City extends an invitation to you, your staff and the students of your school to attend the Central District Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Convention on April 2 and 3. "Fitness Problems of 1943" is the theme, The convention will be a workshop conference with opportunity for all to discuss their problems, National and district leaders will conduct the discussions. Programs of Health, Physical Education and Recréation have faced many changes in this past year, It is most urgent that college students, tomorrow's teachers, be prepared to meet these new changes, A special student rate of 50 cents per day instead of the regular rate has been granted, We are looking forward with pleasure to meeting represen= tatives of your school at the Central District Association Convention, April 2 and 3, in Kansas City. Sincerely yours, | Peti.. % be Nadine E, Miller Chairman Publicity Committee jt