CENTRAL DISTRICT CONVENTION HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION April 2-3, 1943 Information For Committee Members The general theme "Fitness Problems for 1943," is indicative of the timeliness of the Central District Convention for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, The war situation has made the field of health of primary concern to everyone engaged in any phase of community and educational work, Pertinent problems challenging community and educational leaders are: mass feeding of all school Siidasen: providing recreation before and after school hours for doorstep children, evaluating the use of "the Grid" in determining health needs, and many others, The Convention staff ma therefore, planned a workshop convention so that all people in attendance may have an opportunity to present and have dis- cussed their own individual problems in health, physical education and recreation. National and district leaders in the various areas have been secured to participate in these discussions in order that the individual may have expert guidance as well as the thinking of the group in discussing the problems, The following keynote leaders will be om the program: | Mr, John B, Kelly - Federal Office of Defense, Health and Welfare Ser-. vices, who will present the latest government information on how to make the nation more physically fit. Dr. Jay B, Nash ~- President of the National Association, and an authority in health education. Miss Dorothy LaSalle - Specialist from the U. 5. Office of Education, and a recent organizer of "physical Fitness" institutes, Mr. John L, Bracken - Chairman of Commission who prepared "Health in Schools." Lt, Edward Haislet, U.S.N.R., Assistant Athletic Director of the Navy.