ONE-MINUTE SPEECH ON HIGHLIGHTS OF CONVENTION "Fitness Problems of 1943" is the timely theme of the convention of the Central District Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation to be held in Kansas City on April 2 and 3. In keeping with war conditions the convention plans have been stream- lined ha uae of the workshop type in order that each person attending may receive the maximum amount of assistance with his problems, These problems of health, both from the community and sduenticnel pa oie ar foremost in the minds of all, Fun as a morale builder has not been overlooked, however, in this wartime convention and one evening will be given over to it. An informal dsanet: with a Missouri "hoedown," to be followed by square and social es is scheduled for April 2. National and district leaders have been secured as sceakers and as leaders of the workshop groupS. All community and educational leaders will find much to interest and challenge them in this convention.