Realizing the inequalities of rules of the BigeSix that exist between _ various sports, I desired to distinguish the difference in the rules concerning __ basketball and the other major sports as legislated by the faculty representatives No where in other sports do they discriminate against a particular sport and state that only © certain mmber of players may be dressed for home gamete 7 Realiging the right of free speech, I dictated a statenent to Mre Horace liagon, our Sports Publicity Director, so that he might give it to the presse I did not biaze. away or fire back at anyones Neither have I changed my idea one iota in regard to the rules discussed. If the directors of the BigeSix worked out a plan : and sultmitted it to the faeulty representatives the basketball coaches of the BigeSix did not hear of ite In all previous legisletion the general plan has been to at least consult the coaches and get their opinion and if the coaches desire something they appeal to the directors, and then the matter is passed fron the directors to the faculty representatives for legislations : We recognize the inherent power of the directors and the faculty representatives — to make rules, but the mere flagewaving and lip-service given to President Reosevelt's National tefense Program by college administrators does not strike a very responsive a chord, when such legislation as we have mentioned is here considered. Ih many institutions no money is fortheoming from the athletic department for intremural athletios, As a general practice, many schools speak about the earnings from the athletic department going to intramurals but generally the amount contributed is very smlle At our institution not one penny is given by the athletic department toward intramurals because they have their om financial problems uy intent was constructive criticism and not to stir up malices - We eortainly would have no desire to enter into any personal controversy with oux two good friends, Ds Helle King and Director MeFs Ahearn of Kansas States however, neither one of then did answer this very pertinent points Why is it | that there is a curtailment on numbers in basketball for hone games when no other Sport is legislated against by this rule? | Only ten men ean be dressed for home basketball games which certainly ig @ curtailment of numbers in sports. After this rule with limitations was reemphasized last year by the directors and faculty representatives, Kansas State was the first to violate the ten-man rule by carrying 15 men to Lawrence, “ebrasla was the second by taking & like number to Manhattan, and later in the season the University of Missouri sent 12 men to Lawrences, However, the Missouri people dressed but ten, two of ~ the men being sent as a reward for their service during the season, while the two other institutions dressed 15. | Last night Coach Drake dressed 15 men at Norman but actually played : only 10. Pors Ys 80 far as I wis concerned, he could have played all 15 a and I would have offered ne objection because certainly this rule is discriminatory | These are merely statements of factt, —