Malden, Mass. June 18, 1943. Coach Forrest C. Allen. Black has been chosen Chuck Taylor's All-American basketball team. Please rush photo, name of prep school, age, height and weight. Wire collect when mailing. We a; Lord, Converse Rubber Company. ‘ f ee Sow en fd IS = oS Coe acs a — r é JG £) _ LS ay as Reply - Day letter, collect A“ Mailing photograph today. Charles Bradford Black attended Highland Park High School, Topeka, Kansas, three years. Graduated Southwest High School, Kensas City, Moe, 1939. Attended University of Wisconsin freshman year. Femily moved to Lawrence, Kansas, where he matriculated at University in 1940. Competed at Kansas 1941 and 1942. He is a junior, 21 years of age, 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 198 pounds. Black is in Army Air Corps, was located at Kearns Field, Utah, and now at Logan, Utah. Forrest C. Allen.