May 27, 1943. ire Glenn BE. Charlton, Lawrence Memoriel Hompita, lewrence, Kansas. — Dear Glenn: I called Hiss Robinson today because I had a greeting from Jimmie Ingham, one of your old side-kioks years ago at Wichita, Kensas, when you were on the road. He had been to Rotary International at St. Louis. 4s we rode back I not only cot acquainted with a fine fellow, but he reminisced quite a bit on his assoo~ {ation with you at Wichita, Kansas. When-he asked about you. I told him that you were slightly indisposed and ' suggested that he write you a note. Iam enclosing the same herewith, with his best wishes, and I might mogkiyees of courses, with mine also. I am hoping that your indisposition doesn't tie you down long, Glenn. You doubtless got my card written from St. Louis wherein I mentioned that we were hoping to renew the golf games when and if you set the dato. With all good wishes, T am Rotarily yours, , Direater of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. | Ene.