IV. 13. 14, 15. 16. RTs University and the War Effort: Ashton, W. W. Davis, Hoesley, Keeler, Laudon, Stephenson, Stockton, Stouffer. University Budget: Stouffer, Lawson, Moreau, Nichols. Vocational Guidance: Schwegler, Beth, Downs, Hoesley, Koopman, O'Kane, Roark, Viesselman, Woodard. War Information Library: Ingham, C. M. Baker, Buehler, K. W. Davidson, Keeler, Rvther, Sandelius, Helen Wagstaff. Watkins and Miller Halls Operating Committee: Meguiar, Doering, Lowrance, O'Kane. Athletic Board Fx Officio: Malott (Chancellor), Klooz (Bursar). _ From the Senate: (Elected by ballot) W. W. Davis, ‘ash, G. W. Smith, J. B. Smith, Stockton, Woodruff. From the Alumni: Don Hoag, Thomas Van Cleave, N. T. Veatch, Hugo T. Wedell. From Student Organizations: Vernon McKale, Paul Turner.