February 14, 1942. lr, Roy Tower Petroleum Building, Dallas, Texas. Dear Roy: Your brother, Lee, came in for the Creighton game and we had a fine visit. Lee talked to Milton about his application at the PBI office, and Milton stated that he had written you in Dallas. But Lee said that you did not get his letter. IT had intended to write you, also, but in the rush of things this was not done. I just went to thank you for your offer to help Milton. I believe that he has the qualifications and will be called soon. At least I hope so. He is so en thusiastic about the work and I believe he will meke a valuable man in this work. He is president of his senior lew class, is freshman basketball coach, and is helping me with the varsity. He has an unusual insight into the strength and wealmess of the opponents, and he does not hesitate te tell me. Ve do not always agree on this, but that is the thing I court. I do not want too many "yes" men around me. I would rather have fellows that challenge my judgment occasionally. But he is thor~ oughly cooperative and his heart and soul is in the He has been to the FBI office twice in Kansas City and has taken his examination, and we hope he will get his call. I believe he saw lr, Brantley. Anything that you could do, of course, would be greatly appreciated, but I believe his application and other credentials are in Washington now. Of course, I know nothing about it, but I am just surmising suche With all good wishes, I am . Sincerely yours, f Director of Physical Education end Recreation, © PCA: AH Varsity Basietball and Baseball Coach.