Deoember 7, 1940 Wir, Hermann Cooper Assistant Commissioner ‘University of the State of New York wy, New York tear Commissioner Coopers | Os We have reesived a request frou lire, Elisabeth moCurty, neo Elizabeth Dunkel, asking that her transeript and other data be forwarded to you for your inspections Urs. UacCurdy is a graduate of the University of Kansas and took her Master’s Degree fron Columbia Universitys She came to us in the fall of 1925 after she had taught two years at the Arkansas City High School. Mts WasOurdy Teenined with us witil her mpriage te Dre Lee imeCurdy when she moved te Bronxville, New Yorke rss “eeCurdy was a highly superior teachers in fact, many people characterized her as one of the first ten teachers in the United Stetes in her specialty. ‘Sho was academically superior, emotionally stable, and had a most brilliant intellect. Her character was of the highest. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, was one of the leaders on the campus in dramatics during her undergraduate days, and while a member of the faculty collaborated th the Department of Fine Arts and the Tepartment of Dramatics in staging sone of our most outstanding musical and stage productions. a. ' 5 Daring the time that she ws a member of the fMoulty, Mrso MacCurdy udited a course in Community Recreation, taught by tr. EeR. Elbel, a member _ of our Physical Education facultye She worked out her om course and during» ———.-0m0C ee ee acceptable mannere The laboratory work for the students of thie class in Community Recreation was to handle the recreational facilities on the campus during that sumer, That included such things as campus tours in the evening, con= munity sings, social and foik dancings in fact she conducted a well-rounded program and had her students handle these projects. er work wis highly satisfactory, and sinee then the course has lengthened and broadened to become ane of the very txpertant courses en the sumer seliocl schedules oe I would recommend Mrs. acCurdy to you without reservation or evasion, stating that I believe any school would be exeeptionally fortumate to have her dominant and pleasing personality and her high-grade intelligence as a — _ factor to the youth of our schoolse Director of Physical Fdueation and Recreation