INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA NEWS BUREAU E. Ross Bartley, Director Henrietta Thornton, Ass’t to the Director Sylvia Jenkin, Secretary Robert A. Cook, Athletic Publicity Representative October 9 1940 > Mr. F.C. Allen University of nansas Lawrence, Kan. Dear Mr. Allen: I am trying to get together for December publication a college basketball roundup story for LOOK magazine, and I need your help. Having already secured some gene- ral information from publicity men, I need now an expert's opinion. Assuring you that any information will be held in the strictest confidence by me, 1 wonder if you would be kind enough to tell me what basketball teams in your section appear to be outstanding this winter. You need not confine your comments to your con- ference. If there's a team in your state or section whose prospects are good, I would like to have you mention it. You will not be quoted in any way. 1 am not asking for detailed information, but you can help me greatly by simply list- ing, perhaps in numerical order, the way you think the teams in your neck of the woods are going to finish. I would appreciate this information by re- turn mail. Thanks very much, “ gincerely), Ath letie Publicity Representative RC :FD Patch deep telly