Konawa Public Schools Konawa, Oklahoma BEN ‘CARMICHAEL 9-31-1940 Superintendent Employment Bureau, Kansas University Topeka, Kansas Gentlmen: Our coach has a better job at the end of the football season. It is my task to try to replace him. We need a good basketball and football coach who can teach Meth (preferably a Math major), at state aid salary. We need and want a good experinced man but will take an inexperienced man if he looks the part. We shali hire as soon as satisfied, but might not hire until about Thanksgiving. So please keep us in mind. Thanks. Yours truly, ee Ben Carmichael. P.S, Miss Cordelia Ragland, Konawa, Oklahoma is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma in liusic. She is unemployed and would like to have a position, err B.C.