BELOIT HIGH SCHOOL ~-- BELOIT, KANSAS E. M. CHESTNUT, PRINCIPAL *‘Home of the Trojans’ Bugust 50, 1940 Mr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear friend "Phog", This letter is to confirm our two previous convasations in regard to your being present in Beloit the night of Sept. eOth for the Salina-Beloit football game, which will be the iret game played am the now stadium field. I'11 cout on you umpiring in the game, at our usual fee of $7.50(Big!), and we'll care for your traveling expenses. We'll try to work out something in connection with the Dedication ceremonies during the half intermission. Any suggestions you might have may help us. There is so much to do that we'll be lucky to be ready for the game. The coach, Mr. Murry has not arrived yet—-dressing rooms to be arranged under the ssadium——-all plumbing not in yet, etc. We'll be looking for you. Sincerely yours, 6. Eby’ Gaston