Lawrenee, Kansas. May 15, 1942 Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen University of Kansas. Dear friend Doc.: See Received your letter this A.M. and I gather from reading it, that I surely did gealp you instead of giving you a hair cut. So. feel I should write you and offer an apology. ee I am more sorry about the mistake ¢han you may think. I do appreciate your saying you Will come back to the stiop and give me a chance to redeem myself. oe Having the privilege and pleasure of doing a lot of Barber work for the Allen family, I really feel bad to know my last service prowed so wunsatisfactory. I hope I will be able to do my next. gob, in a more satisfactory fashion. . ; Your letter is a nice one, but Tl have felt bad to know I have caused you the humiliation and that you were so. dissatisfied with my last service. 7 ee I do appreciate all the business you and your family have given me in the years past, — and I hope this one mistake can be forgotten, and that our business relation and friendship eam continue in I am very truly « yy 3.7 .Ga dfelter