KANSAS CITY JOURNAL DAILY AND SUNDAY cr ceacicne KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI RUSSELL H. MILES VICE PRESIDENT & GEN. MANAGER J. C. JOHNSEN VICE PRESIDENT & EDITOR March 6 9 1940 Dr. Se Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I would like very much to work out an advertising program for you on the Western Sectional Tournament of the NCAA scheduled for March 22 and 23 at the Municipal Auditorium, as well as the NCAA champion- ship March 30, Please let me hear from you as soon as possible as to the amount of space you have in mind for these events and I will be glad to have our service depart- ment get something ready for you in the way of cuts, drawings, etc. Best of luck to you in the scheduled Kansas-Oklahoma game. Sincerely yours, C Allison a 433 r ; CAst lawrence, Kas. Dear Sir ;- As one who much enjoys watching basketball, I have been interested in the stories in the press regarding possible rule changeg So pardon me if 1 submit a few ideas on the subject, First. To avoid the erush in rebounding, 1 would suggest a rule thas” when the bell is taken off the bankboard or the hoop it has to be either passed to another player, or bounced on the floor before ae enother shot could be taken at the basket. Under this rule it would be advantageous to spread the men out a bit, and some verynpretty — plays could be developed. Second. There is too much intentional fauling. 1 would suggest that when a player gets two shots, he be given two poants if he makes the first shot,and the second shot be cancelled, If he misses the first shot but makes the second, give him two points for that. A more str: gent penalty on intentional fouling will make for better clean guar If this suggestion is too severe, Give him two points if he makes t first basket, one point if he misses the first but makes the second, Phird. If it is advisable to slow up the game, it is not nesedacns restore the center jump. Simply rule that after a basket the ball to be held a certain number of seconds, say 3 te 6, before being pe into play from end of floor. Fourth. The rules committee should take what action is necessary to clarify the call on baskets. vhen teams A and B are playing, some redio announcers call A's basket the one A defends, others call ? A8s basket the one they shoot at. I believe A's basket should be the one they defend, just as the goal line in football, In listening to games over the radio one has to guess quite a bit of the time where the ball is. Very truly “SDsadk Edward Auten, dr CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS This is a fall-rare DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Lett = er m unless its de- (46)e Js erred character is in- oo. = dicated by a suitable LC=Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. : - .B, — et eae J. ©, WILLEVER M Ship Radiogram 7 IRST VI CE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination IOAM MAD or ; aS 940 MAN 25 AN li 48 1KAD65 34 DL=BARTLESVILLE OKLA 25 1107A, _ PHOG ALLEN= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR BOYS ON SUCH A SUCCESSFUL AND WONDERFUL SEASONS. HOPE 1 CAN SEE YOUR GAME ON THE THIRTIETH AND 1 AM SURE you WILL COME OUT ON TOP BEST REGARDS= : ‘BOOTS ADAMSS. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICB Bartlesville, Okla. March 25, 1940 Dre Fy C. Allen. Congratulations to you and your boys on such a successful and wonderful seasone Hope 1 can see your game on the 30th and I am sure you will come out on top. Best regards. Boots Adams e Reply <= We rejoice reciprocally with you in your great triumph. The announcement came in at the hell and the audience highly tinetured with excited Jayhawkers roar” ti a victorious salute. My congratuletions to your organization and your fine boyse We will count on seeing you Saturday. Forrest Ce Allene March 26, 194D. Me We Ce ‘Abilene Public Schools, Abilene, Kansase Dear Superintendent Rebinsons I will be very happy to come to Abilene on Friday noon, — April Sth, end speak at your Rotary Club when they entertain the high sehool basketball squads The state does not mke provision for travel expenses, and it will be necessary for me to drive my om car. I uswmlly charge 5¢ a mile both ways to cover the expense of the care Z shall be glad to ear fran you regarding detaile of your prograne Assuring you of uy appreciation of your Iind invitation, I en | i Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache March 26, 19406. Mite Ile He Malott, The Citizens Dank, Abilene, Kensags | Deax Tits Halotts I an sorry for the deley in answering your Idnd letter of the 22nd instante y lee Canes en Way eis Gettin of Unk peg raves tga aad Sac cpap anna ermine to write you scorers I received a letter fron Superintendent Robinson, and have written him that I will be very happy to aceept your Icind invitation to speak at your Rotary Jameheon at noon om April 5th. It was very kind of you write. Thank you for your good wishes in regard to our gemes in Kansas Citye The teem and I greatly appreciate your thought- fulness e : With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Do you care to accept this invitation for Friday, April 5th at Abilene? On Tuesday next week you speak at Wathena. On Saturday, April 6th, you speak briefly at the Education Conference (in the morning) as arranged by Profe OBriene On Monday, the 8th, at 10:30 you meet the Budget Comnittee. OFFICERS W. C. ROBINGON, PRESIDENT LORAtNE LONG, VICE-PRESIDENT IVAN ROBERSON, SECRETARY J. E. JOHNTZ, TREASURER J. A. TUFTS, SERGEANT-AT-ARMS DIRECTORS © LORAINE LONG | a LEON MONTAGUE. FULLER BERGSTRESSER WILL ROBINSON RED WHEELER HE PROFITS MOST WHO SERVES BEST NO. 1006 THE ABILENE ROTARY CLUB ABILENE, KANSAS March 22, 1940 Dr. F. 6. Alien, Kenses University, Lawrence, KenseSe My dear Mr. Allens The Abilene Rotary Club annually entertsins the high school basket ball s:uad for one special progrem at the close of the basket ball season. this year we would like for you to be our guest speaker for the basketball occasion on Friday noon, April 5, at the Hotel Sunflower, The time will be 12:10 o'clock. We will have approximetely one hundred to one hundred twenty five in attendence. I am sure you know our set-up. You spoke to the club here severel years ego and you ere our unanimous choice for the occasion this year. I know you will come if your schedule permits. Please let us heer from you as soon as possible. Very sincerely yours, UC ebenaen! Meiling eddress: Wm C. Robinson, Superintendent elect, Abilene Public Schools, Abilene, Kensease M.H.MALOTT, PresipenT H.C. HOFFMAN, ASSTT.CasHieR J.E.JOHNTZ,Vice PRESIDENT ; E.L.MORSE, Casntier R.L.ILIFF,AssT. CasHierR MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1885. 26 WS Os ABILENE, KANSAS March 22,1940 Dr F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence Kansase My Dear Doctor Allens Mr Will C.Robinson, newly elécted Superintendent of Our Abilene Schools, is writing you as a member of our Rotary Club to be with us at luncheon on April 5th at noon when we entertain the basket ball boys of the Abilene High School, and to be our guest speake Cre This is an annual feature of our Rotary Club, and I am adding my personal wish that you beywibhwushatsthet time. Will be sitting glued to Radio tonight hoping thet your boys may beat Rice Institute; and then be the victors tomorrow night. Trusting you may be with us on April 5th and with my very kindest personal regards I am Sincerely March 27, 1940 Sincerely yours, Manager, NeCeoAsAe Basketball Tournaments FCAsAll April 3, 1940. I em looking forward to meeting with your Rotary Club on Friday noon, and note that the luncheon is held at the Hotel Sunflowers I shall be very happy to speak to the high school studerts while in Abilene if it would be possible to allow a little time between the Rotary meeting and the high school assembly. It is rather strenuous to go right from one meeting into another, end if the high school assembly could be held, say et 2:50, that would give me a little rest. However, I‘ll. leave those arrangements to you and Principal Van Osdol. With best wishes, I an 2 Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, FCAsAH - Versity Basketball Coach. : ABILENE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL W. C. ROBINSON, PRINCIPAL ABILENE, KANSAS March 29, 1940 Dr. Fe Ce Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mr. Allen: The Abilene Rotary Club is delighted to have you accept its invitation to be guest speaker for the Rotary Club Program next Friday.noon, April 5. The Rotary luncheon period begins at 12:10 o’clock at the Hotel Sunflower. You can have the speaking time from 12:40 to 1:20 o'clock for yourtalke We can plen to meet in the “unflower lobby a few minutes before luncheon time. In case you could arrange to speak to the senior high students while in Abilene, Principal Marvin Van Osdol said he would be glad to have an assembly for you at one thirty o'clock and that he would gladly allow you whatever time you might care to usee Please understand that the high school will be glad to use you, but we do not want to impose upon you unless the time fits your schedulee Please let us kmow about the chapel proposition. Please accept my best wishes for your success in the tournament finals tomorrow evening. 1 will have to take the game by radidoe Very truly yours, April ll, 1940. Dire Fret snele, Huron Building, Kansas City, Kensase Dear Dre Angle: Mae Re Ce Miller has very graciously told me of the moving pictures thet you took of the Kansas- ee Basketball Tourngnents i The ‘YWetional Collegiate Athletic Association arranged with lire Fred Montgomery, of the Visual Instruction Bureau here at the thiversity, to take the whole of the Indiana geome. lire Chuck Taylor, of the Converse Rubber Canpany, took a part of the U.S.C. game end a part of the Rice game, but did not get the entire games. 3 ec endertng 6 ee Waren ete 1b ae gemese If you have, wo would — appreciate seeing — thene : the leneunte Chabot ob Cemmetcan’ extuwtiinal the basketball squad on Tuesday night of this week, and they showed the films that were available. The titles have not ee ee ee ee fe ee nee ee ee eee that pictures We appreciate very much your ‘offer through !r. Se | EPNC with teet setae, 3 I em Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coaches Teacher-Training Section Health Education Division AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION ApTil 7, E40 Dear Colleague; In times past you have expressed your interest. in the improved training for teachers in health edu- cation. Because of this interest. we would like to call your attention to two meetings of the Teach:r- Training Section of the Health Education Division of the A.&A.H.P.E.R. on April 26 and 27. Both meetings will be held at 9 o'clock in the Stevens Hotel in Chicago. Consult your program for the rooms. The Friday meeting will be devoted to @ discussion of the problems of health education that teachers meet in the field. This will be a discussion meeting cen- tering around the needs of teachers. We hope there will be &@ realistic discussion of the needs that teacners actually find. There will be no prepared speeches. .A number of individuals have been invited to serve 4s resource people, but we are hopeful that there will be wide participation from the entire group. The Saturday meeting will be devoted to a considera- tion of the problems teachers meet in scx education. Dr. Bertha Schafer of the Illinois Social Hygiene Asso- ciation will speak, Following her presentétion there will be opportunity for discussion: This meeting is a joint one with the Teacher-Training Section of the Physical Education Division. We hope you will attend both of these meetings and contribute towards making them as profitable as possible. Very sincerely; ANITA D>. LATON, Chairman Bureau of Educational xsseerch in Science, Teachers Cullege, Columbia Untersi.+ MABEL E, RUGEN, Secretary School of Hducation University of Michigan, Ann Arbor April 19, 1940. Mrse Marry Ke Allen, 1247 Clay Street, Topelm, Kansase _ Dear Florence and Harry: o I want you to lmow how genuinely I enjoyed that swell visit we had Monday noom. You people sre very a ae ee ae Re ia sudinia Aiden thie: ead Wh en avian, The sorority dues are about $50.00 a month, and the tuition is as follows: Matriculation, $10.00; incidental, $25 00 a semester; health, $5.00 a semester; activity, $8075 (the present year). The mtrioulation and incidental ee ee April 224 1940. sin. elnis tx: Mosatiae Sentient tian ag to star’ end emdevior to Finish your hotter 7 will atteek activity fee will be increased to $12.00 next senester, so that will be an additional SSe250 . oe I think it would not be faiz wmiless you should add asia Uh on caw wide ee Guests Heaeneeions They do not cane, of course, as regular tax, but before the year is up we Fil hes Vers Gre Kins oe eeeres, #0 go maectadt: H, sce dik: + dats Seung Niece citi ter’ lens where I will attend the National Health, Physical Education and Recreation Association for four days, including the 27the Se childrens Then Mary and Bess will drive on to New York for a couple of weeks or so, taking in the pointes of interest and Senay Stee shows Tas Shey law teen ameting one 7 ¥ intestate dike a8 Taha ok wey, ek all Russell, Kansas, on Tuesday. I mention this only because the fact that if you have other questions to write me, gather them together and drop me a note and at the first opportunity I will have another visit with youe Tell Florence I am sorry I aid not get to see her at the high school bub we will have a visit real sects With love to all, I en ) Affectionately, your’ cousin Direetor of Physical Bducation and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Beskethall Coache April 24, 19406 I aclmowledge with thanks your very good letter of the 17th instant. It ws not necessary at all for you to | gond that 50? along, Heinie, I assure yous You certainly didn*t get your money*s worth Indiam. was sizzling hote I appreciate your sympathy and good wishes regarding the loss of the gamee You are always & great old ee grend old scouts “hen Tom in Kansas City sone time soon I an going te call you up and invite you to eat loch with me and wo will renew the old times when we battled together. With all good wishes to you, old fellow, I am Sincerely yours, . . Direator of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAT | Varsity Basketball Conthe Office and Salesroom PHONE MAIN 2338 Kansas City Mantel Company ESTABLISHED IN 1879 Tile, Mantels, Marble, Fire Place Furnishings, Etc. KANSAS CITY, MO. 4-17-40 1008-1010 Oak Street Dear Phog: Sorry that I forgot to send you the thirty cents I owe you for the balance on those tickets I bought from you for the Indiana game. Thanks for the favor and I want to let you know how sorry I am that you did win that game. Bob was: the only one on the team that locked good to me that night,if the rest had played like he di it would have been a different story. Bob reminded me very much of you as I remember you when we first played together. Bobs actions, looks, and little mannerisms were exactly like you in those days. Give my regards to Bess and the family (those that are left ofcourse). Sincerely. es ‘ GENE RAE OFFICE SSS A CHAMPION SPEAKS SATURDAY For séveral weeks Jim De Coursey ‘has been prom- ising to be Chairman of our SALES COUNCIL meeting, and to present a speaker we all want to hear. Well, he is to make good next Saturday, May 4th. DR. F. C. (PHOG) ALLEN Coach of Kansas University Basket Ball Team will be the speaker - to be presented by MR. JAMES H. DE COURSEY Chairman of the Day MEETING TO BE AT THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL 4eiiS Df. You know Phog Allen and what he means, not alone in this section of the country but throughout the nation. Jim De Coursey says, "We are in for a most unusual treat." Come, won't you? Cooperatively yours, Wilson W. Brown, Chairman 4-8 0-40 SALES COUNCIL P.e. Note change of meeting place. April 29, 1940 Mr. G. B. Affleck, Director Division of Health and Phyeical Béucat ion Springfield Gollee Springfielt, Maseactusetts My dear Mr. Affleck Thank you for your letter of April 23 omniee to our attention your placement service. | By sy oe ie ach Sls ek en eet lie or not 7 nt vacancies in our department of Physical a am glad oo eee Poe letter to Dr. F. ¢. ee ae in ik ea that Tt am gure he will te giad to meee your service in mind. Sincerely yours, BR Deane ¥. Malott, Me Cha rc ellor * eee CS iba Serres CLIFTON A. CROCKER, PRESIDENT OF CORPORATION WILLIAM M. KINGSLEY, TREASURER ERNEST M. BEST, PRESIDENT PERCY O. DORR, CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WALLACE V. CAMP, ASSISTANT TREASURER HERBERT L. PRATT, VICE-PRESIDENT SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE CORPORATE NAME INTERNATIONAL. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION COLLEGE SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS NATURAL SCIENCE DIVISION GEORGE B. AFFLECK, DIRECTOR April 23, 1940 PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, STATE TEACHERS COLLEGES Gentlemen: We appreciate the problem of administrators in maintaining an efficient staff. Springfield College has for more than fifty years been training for directors, coaches and specialists in the field of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, and would be glad to place at your service its facilities by way of cooperating in plans of organization and administration or of personnel in this general department of your institution, There are now more than 2,000 Springfield men trained in these fields in positions in the United States and Canada, and in 5” foreign countries. In the present graduating class are 75 men. In the graduate group are 22 men and women expected to receive their Master of Education degrees in June or August. Many of these have already had experience. Both groups, together with alumni who have graduated within the last ten years, constitute a body of trained and in many cases experienced educators in this particular field, Many of the more recent graduates are ready for advancement to more important positions, so the list contains men qualified for practically every aspect of teaching, coaching, organizing and administering, os : = The curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in~ Gludes 124 semester hours of academic work, of which approximately 70 semester hours are in liberal arts subjects, 50 or more in professional courses and the balance in technical and related work. In addition to the above each student must have 12 practice credits in skills and activities, and 6 semester hours in supervised practice teaching, An outline of required courses will be sent upon request, and there is also available an alumni roster showing the exact locations of Springfield alumni, many of whom are in the most prominent positions in the educational world, If you anticipate vacancies in your Department of Health and. Physical Education, and care to send enough details to form a basis for an intelligent selection of candidates, we would be most happy to cooperate with you. We will be glad to have your needs and wishes in this matter, and promise to give same prompt personal attention. Respectfully yours, BA Cet G, B,. Affleck, Director | Division of Health and GBA:B | Physical Education ‘Me Le Co Anderson, Anderson Photo Coe, 912 Grand Avenue, Dear “Andy"s After showing our tasketbell teem the fine | copys I em, therefore, enclosing $2.00 for these two photographs, which I understand you will send postpaide Thanking you for your courtesy, and with best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache April 4, 1940. "ite Le Ce Anderson, \ _ Anderson Photo Coss co 912 Grand Avee, — ensas City, Mos Dear Andys ease thie aman basen’ See, shal: Orehind this afternoots ‘we are showing this to the boys, : seat wid Gel avhare it Guy Gatkie sushan 04 31200 enche I will let you mow ins few days. It is very nice of you to send this to mes Very sincerely yours, FCA ‘Varsity Basketball Coaches