January 9, 194% _ Bless your heart, you old scamp, and congratulations to you on your honere Ge, ee ; feel very much ashamed of myself that I did not answer your letters thought that I had, My former secretary resigned and in between of secretaries I imagine that your letter got into the delayed ng that we failed to give it the necessary attention that we should sorry and ashamed of myself. ; adninistrator of Dre Naismith's estate, but I have always wherever I d regarding any financial angle that I could aid d stimulated the Naismith Wight wherein each — to the Naismith funds The purpose was to over seas to Berlin to the Olympic cnmese oi i ta R Hg Fe st Sa g a | Bei 1 8 33 A ES Neigmith took ill and did not go, but we raised better than $7,000 for Dr. Naismith and gave it to him in cash Besides his European tour he bought Chancellor Trank Strong’s homes He wes very confortable until his deaths : Pas OoB. Fartley is a go friend of mine and had there been any way of my getting this film for you I would straightway have cone and gotten it for you, However, Dre Naismith's second wife is housemother at a fraternity at the University of Nebraska and Dre Naismith's children are scattered over the country and I do not mow how I can procure thet photograph for you as much as I would like to, I will put a reminder of this on my memo pad and o will see what I can do about it, but I am afraid with the way that Dr. Naismith kept track of these details I fear the film may be lost. | 3 I met “Jumebug" Moore's son when he was playing on the Stanford teame We called him “Dinty." He is a fine looking chap and I kmow that he will goa long waye I did hear of Stants death. It was sade I had heard of his _ demestic and financial difficulties as well as his i111 health. Stan was a great old bey and I was sorry to read of his passinge - You will remanber it was "Pin" Coble who gave me my name of Phog™ — of Foge When it came out in the paper I said, “How in the dickens you come to spell my name "Phog" Pinhead?" "Well", he said, "I wanted doll it up a little; "Foc" was too plain." So that is the how of its saw Pin about ten years ago and he was looking fines He had lost one of gold and ws after another.