December 18, 1940 Mre Harold Claassen The Associated Press Star Building Kansas City, Missouri “Dear "Spike"; I am tickled that you are going to write the article on Goalelie ‘Now, regarding the rumors about changing the finals. The fimals are definitely set for Kansas City, and the contract. has been signed for the date of March 29¢ The Western WeCeAche Playoffs will be held on March 21 and 22, Doubtless the boys in New York thought that since Mre Holman was President, we would move the earth, but there are other geographical centers in the United Stetes which are just as important as Noo Yawkd Of course, this is off the record, Spike, and I would not want anything said, but the dates are set and the contract is signed, and the games will be played in our countrye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical mducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach WAslg