Mire Ce Oe Cooper Dear ire Coopers : ‘Tama little late in answering your letter of larch 2. Dre Sermon at Raleigh is one of my old qmrterbacks in football, forwards in basketball end catchers in baseballs After leaving Central Missouri State Teachers College, where I coached Dre Sermon, he went to Se Se eet Sera Ok terre ee tra be ringet thes He injured his imee ly while at Springfield and he came back to Missouri to have me work on ite We were able to fix it up so that he went back and played a wonderful season of football and an outstanding basketball and baseball season at Springfield, I had hoped to get East to visit tre Sermon, but at the present writing I am not suree — 3 i think it wise to use the imee brace put out by Lowe & Campbelle Mre George Lowe died but Mre De Keedy Campbell, his successor, is still here in Kansas Citye i imew both members of the firm very welle In fact, I am one of the few athletic directors that have bought from Lowe end Campbell for 25 consecutive yearse | I might tell you that Dre Sermon’s hone is in Independence, ii-ssourt, just 50 miles fran Lawrence here, If you would have an opportunity ever to write him or talk to him, I am sure that he would tell you that wo have a aa ee in sending Charles to our Universi tye | ) I appreciate your sending the picture of Charles along to mee He certainly is asplendid allearound chape I notice that he is president of the student body, president of the 4-H club, president of a literary society, sports editor of the school annml, 4 foureletter man in sports and plays two instruments % certainly is a fulsone honor for the yomg mane We have one of the most outstanding bands here in the United States. I em asking that our Registrar send you a catalog and I want you especially to Engineering Schoole The Dean is Dre John Jay Jakosky, and I am our Sending you the outstanding record of this very brélliant young Deans i am also faving Mre Russell Wiley, the Director of our Band, write Charlese Two years.ago our band played in Washington, DeCe and they were the | talk of the towne I em very sure that if Charles came to the University he certainly would mke no mistake, and we would be immensely pleased to have hime E F E 8