March 26, 19406. Mite Ile He Malott, The Citizens Dank, Abilene, Kensags | Deax Tits Halotts I an sorry for the deley in answering your Idnd letter of the 22nd instante y lee Canes en Way eis Gettin of Unk peg raves tga aad Sac cpap anna ermine to write you scorers I received a letter fron Superintendent Robinson, and have written him that I will be very happy to aceept your Icind invitation to speak at your Rotary Jameheon at noon om April 5th. It was very kind of you write. Thank you for your good wishes in regard to our gemes in Kansas Citye The teem and I greatly appreciate your thought- fulness e : With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours,