Pebruary 22, 1941 Urse Eva Chandler 1567 Virginia Avenue Glendale, California Dear Mrse Chandlers | I have just returned fron Columbia, Missouri where we played the University of Missouri in basketball last night, and I am answering your letter of the 16th instant. I can understand that other besides basketball coaches and directors of physical education have their I am returning the blank which you sent me from the Young & cam, Inte I thought perhaps you would want this for your files I do not think it would be infringing on the copyright of the articie in the Post if I gave you the facts written up theres However, if you make progress with this thing and have need for it, there are plenty of interesting sidelights that I can give you that are just as goodas— this ones I Doubtless the Glendale Public Library has a copy of Better Basket- ball, written by mee This text is published by the McGraw-Hill Book Canpanye Ta the Yast part of the book I have eritten « chapter on "The Tales of Yester= " These are stories of great games that our boys have played and is always a high light comected with each of these stories, which I / Let me hear fran you after you have read the storiese Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation slg Varsity Basketball Coach E Ente