1567 Virginia Ave., Glendale, California, January 5, 1941, Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir: I have registered an idea for an original radio program named "Obey That H unch!" The details are not all ironed out but the hunches will be dramatized or Marrated by the MC, materials used to be paid for by the sponsor. The article about you in the recent issue of the S aturday Evening Post contains material for an ideal dramatization in sports. I would like your permission to work this up, subject to your approval. May work up famous hunches in history. In the history of sports, I have your name and that of Michael J. Kelly of "Slide, Kelly, Slide" fame. Durward Howes in his column says that Kelly, altho he was not dependable as catcher, infielder or pitcher at bat or on base was possessed of this uncanny sixth sense which told him what each member of the opposing team was going to do next.