Mere Glenn Charlton and Mre George Hedriek, Secy.s Chanber of Commerce Lawrence, , Gentienens last night I went out to Manhattan te scout the University of Nebraska vse Kansas State College teams in actions While there I procured @ progrem for the games I am enclosing one for your inspestione It is rather a pretentious one, don't you think?: But it is only similar to the — one they have been getting out these mst ten or fifteen years to my Imowledgee | This season's Kansas State 194004] basketball program lists | 89 separate advertisers, which shows that the community is either ususcéptible to high=pressure sales resistance for the emller sport, or else a lot of people are interested in this “round ball" game, even though the Aggies have not showed much in the winning way for years and yaarse Perhaps they are hoping that saneday they will win and they will have something to advertises. At least they are supporting the propositions cc You will re@all that I had a meeting in the Chamber of Commerce room in early Decenber with George Hedrick, Pt Maloney, Armin Woestemeyer, and Owen Carl, This was regarding the possibility of putting out @ program for the University of Kansas which would capitalize én the long presence of Dre Waismith's worth to the Universitye Also the wiring teams that the University has had, combined with the great good that our other sports could do in rushing prospective high school students when thoy come in fer our Big-Six games by giving each one of these visiting athlotes a souvenir program 28 @ momento. We would establish a definite contact and sales point with these eager high sehool boyse You will recall thet I specifically impressed the group present with the thought that we desired to make not one pemy profit from the program, or any one of the athletes or any one else. We wanted a highegrade program that all the money could be put into the program and the benefit would come in getting better students and better athletes to the University. Our idea was — ‘to have pictures of Dre Naismith, pictures of the Governor and the chancellor, and our outstanding men of the University and the town in this programe It was not to be merely @ program of advertiserss : !