January 13, 1941 Miss Aileen Carpenter, Chairman Research Section, Central District Teachers College of Kensas City 1840 Bast 8th Street Kensas City, Hissouri ‘Dear iiss Carpenters There are two studies which heve been completed by ‘members of the staff here at the University of Kensas which might be of interest to your Research Section for the Central District meeting this springs One is Student: ‘Ree@reational Choices" by Tite Eehe Blbels the other is "Reaction Time of Indian Students" by James He Raporte Both of these men may be reached by addressing the University of Kansase : Gordon Clucas, 2 graduate student here Dt year, ' @lso made a study on “Accidents in the Ste Louis Public Schools” whieh might be of value. Gordon Clucas is now employed by the — Ste Louis public schoolse | , I trust this information will not be too late to be of use in planning your Research Section discussionse Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bduceti on, and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAslg