February 22, 1941 Mr. Jack Copeland Sperts Editor Wichita Beacon Wichita, Kanses Dear Jack: It was swell of you te remember us at Columbie lest night. The wire ceme in fine time, end I read it to the entire groupe All of the boys voted Jack Copeland not only ea swell fellow bt a man who thinks of his friends at the right time. We were gled to plester the Tigers not only for our own sekes but for our friends. The fect that you wired helped immenselye Jack, this will serve a good purpose in thanking you and Mrse Copeland for the very lovely afternoon we had together. It was highly enjoyableand I wish you would thank Mree Copeland for me. ‘With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and "eocreation Varsity Basketbell Coach