ganvary 24, 1942 Mre Harold Claassen The Associated Press Kansas City Ster Building Kansas City, Missouwd Dear Spikes We practice in the afternoon but if it would be difficult for you and vhotegrapher Bomm to come dew in the afternoon we would arrange a practice at nichts fhe examinations are on, starting yesterday end they do not finish until Thursday, January 30 inclusives We are playing Wichite University on the 3rd of February so we will leave Syvmday mornine the 2nde It is a little diffieult for me te set a date now because the emminations are uncertain, but I will get Englemn's examination dates and append them to this lottere After talking with him I will offer a suggestion as to dates, and if the evening date suits you better you Say So, and we will arrange it that weye With all good wishes, [ am, Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAg 1g