Yarch 19, 1942 e * lire James Me Cox, Trainer Harvard Athletic Assoviatiam Cambridge, Massachusetts Dear Jimuies “Pardon my delay in not answering your good letter of the 8th : — 3 i wish to say that we had very good success with the Sefe Play Goggles designed and sold by Means and Ryan of Beloit, Wiseonsins Two of our boys used those goggies; Marvin Sollenberger fron Hutchinson played our regular guard, and Charles "Sutch" Walker from Hutchinson played a utility position on our team, guard, center and forwarde Both these boys - made their letters and both boys played regular positions a Walker seemed to wear the glasses much more easily than Sollenbergere Sollenberger wis always getting them knocked askew and they fogged up on him much more than they did on Walkers Somehow the glasses fit so closely to Sollenberger's face, due to a small bridge, that he had difficulty in keeping the vapor from theme However, Walker’s bridge on his nose was more prominent and they did not seen to bother him like they did Sollenbergere either boy could have played well without theme The slesses aided their playing very materiallye arene ; Por next year we are thinking of trying out the basketball “bumpers.” 4 picture & the basketball "bumpers" appeared in the Mareh or April number of Popular Sciences ‘The item in the magazine reads, "A transparent gumrd of _ unbreakable plastic, cut away to bridge the nose, completely surrounds the - spectacles and insures them against being lmocked off or shattered if strucke Supported by straps, the headgear is held away from the face by resilient resting against forehead and cheeks, and is said not ti impair visions" You can get this Popular Science Magazine and look it ups ae ck ' We have never ten ¢ uecessful than the but . we are going to try te “maperee sass lla, I do not know of anyone who used the contact lenses which fit directly on the eyeball, although I remember talking to someone this winter regarding then but Iam not clear as to just who it wase I am very happy that the Cox family is pleased and prospering in their new locations I am happy for yous When you speak about spring practice I imgine you mean the football practice, do you note Surely basketball is not going to start again so soche a