April 2, 1941 Corbin Hall 420 We lith Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mesdames: It will be a pleasure for me to be present at your Paculty Reception on Tuesday evening, April the eighth, Sincerely yours, Director of Physioal Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAslg April 7, 1942 Miss Helen Crawford a Presbyterian Theological sentry 826 Belden Avenue Chieago, TLlinois Peer Mics Crawford: Thank you for your letter of April 4 _pogarding the possibility of renting your leg cabin in Estes Park, Colornd6e I am teaching in the Sumer Session here and it will not be possible to avail myself of the opportuni te Thanking you, I am, Simeorely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach MAsle PRESBYTERIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 826 BELDEN AVENUE CHICAGO OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT April As L9AL Professor Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Professor Allen: In 1939 we had some correspondence about the rental of my log cabin called "Marsh- clare in Estes Park, Colorado. You were not planning to be in Estes Park that summer, but seemed somewhat interested so I am wondering if you are at all interested to rent it this summer. If you are I shall be glad to hear from you; but, if not, please do not bother>to reply to this letter. Co Le le Wore Helen saa April 10, 1941 Ure Owen Carl Carl Clothing Coe Tear Owens. : Thank you very much for your thoughtful renenbrance in mounting and framing the very clever goteup of tho Ne Ce Ae As Vestern Championship. | | ‘Tem hanging this 4n the office and it will alwys be @ constant reminder of your thoughtfulness in doing this . Por USe . Appreciatively yours, Director of Physical Education and Resreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FeAsig April 10, 1943 Dear Friend Cushenberys 2 ee ee eee eS es i nin ad ma eae, ou certainly were both, wrapped up in one courteous packages S Mai ba Sei pec tub atten time in providing me with a handy and a convenient place to shaves Tt was good to have @ visit with you and to exchanges. shally greetings regarding old friendships as well as new onese If you will kindly write me the letter thet we discussed last night I will follow through immediately. I appreciate your interest and it will be @ pleasure to visit-with you when we see each other agnine I @m writing Mary this morning asking her to recall "Nee Highe" Tell your wife that I am not becoming familiar, but just recalling to Mary the pleasantries of some of our early dayse When I see tarry Ke end Florence, I will tell then about the pleasant visit I had with you in Medi ¢ine Lodgee With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Bassbell Coach April 14, 1941 Mire Clifton Cornwell Director of Bureau of Alumni Activities State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri Deer Clif: I have been intending to answer your two letters, especially your fine letter of congratulations on the coechampionship in the BigeSixe The boys more than outdid themselves and I was pleased beyond measure with their successe This makes the 17th championship in the 24° years, so I am more than haprye Thanks for your good wishes concerning next yeare The boys will be big but a trifle green, but I believe we will have good success. Mrse Ailen and I were very much pleased to learn that Bob made Phi Beta Kappas He goes to the University of Pennsylvania Medical School next fall and we believe that he will do very well there as he has set an excellent record in high school and colleges He gets his AeBe hore in Jungs I will also definitely keep you in mind if anything should open upe I can understand your problem and it will be e pleasure for me te cooperate for your benefit. : I remember the keen delight of Mrs. Allen's and my visit to your canpuse Our kindest regards to our friends, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical pducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach \ FPCAslg NORTHEAST MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI March 4, 1941 Dr. Forrest_C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Congratulations for winning your "'steenth" basket-ball championship. Power to you for next year! Gg rnwell ~@@f Bureau ‘Activities March 19, 1941 Mre Miller Cameron University of Oklehoma Norman, Oklahoma g Dear Miller: I was very happy to have your letter and I assure you we will slways be glad to co-operate with you to the fullest extent. I am sorry that £ did not get a chance to say “Yello” to you when you were in Lawrence se Mrs. Multeen is not with us any more. She _. has enother very lovely little visitor in her home. She had a boy and this time she hes ae girl. ‘They built a nice home and she is letting George eern the livinge He is in civil service working for Uncle Sam at the post office. With ell good wishes, I am faineerely yours, - Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Besketball end Baseball Coach FCA :cg Sean Yn. Ue. eee ae TL one ark rewured “flianens, cn . Shoal rit gl ee TD tun le fr Come te plane | ee ite fe a Pn. Un 5 thowk yor . , hy hat eae Ck , ; A Ue t hthe 2a. Soe ric faseenere pee ae at * ; > sa riopmeaciaermmiciob cashes Merch 5, 1942 Dre Rele Canuteson Director of Health Service University of Kansas Dear Dre Canutesons J em making a report of the injury to Bill Hogben*s right thumbs. Bill wrote me a note as follows: | “Richt thumb hurt during practice on 3rd of December, Xerey Dets 5 that showed a | fracture, another Xeray on February 28 which showed no improvement and the thumb was still sores “pr. Francisco looked at thumb and suggested the chipped bone should be removed," Bill became a little discouraged about his hand and a few other things and decided not to pley basketball furtherg consequently, about the early part of February Bill gave up the sport and we concurred in his decision, Therefore, Bill has not been out for basketball since that tims. Sincerely yours, Diréotor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg ee oak. X- Nay Ie. = 3 ae. a clove Dun Ouoline. ee: a. Cee oS woo AO Row _ bh cio al a oe mages es se . Ro ee UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE LAWRENCE, KANSAS March 5, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen, On December 5, 1940, Bill Hogben reported at the dispensary following an injury to his right thumb three days previous. The examination and x-ray picture showed a fracturesat the proximal end of the first pha- lanx with a complete separation of the small bone fragments lying close to the joint base. This injury continues to sive him some trouble and on March 3 we sent him to see Dr. Francisco. Dr. Francisco recommends removal of the bony fragments. This would be a minor surzical procedure and would not in any way interfere with his school work. I am bringing this to your attention for your opinion ws to whether or not this could legitimately be charged against the Athletic Department. Ly Ly, Ralph I. Canuteson, M. D. Director, Health Service RIiC:s C. C. CARL, President GEO. T. WETZEL, Secretary-Treasurer Thirty-fourth Annual Tournament June 11 to 15, 1941, Lawrence, Kan. THE KANSAS AMATEUR GOLF ASSOCIATION Lawrence Country Club, Lawrence, Kansas March 6 I94T Dr Forrest Allen Lawrence Kansas Dear Phog; Just to let you know-- we are plugging along on above Tournament---and that we will have a meeting this month and hope tha you can attend---I know that this is your busy time--- and will be for another week or so-- but there is nuthin really of heavy work gan be done right now---- would if possible like to try andline up K U Golfers----- some of these days----- also I have a letter from Wichita Golfers --they would like to come here on some Sundayin early May --for a Golf Match against Lawrence and no doubb to get acquainted with our course-- they seem to think that they can bring at least 25 here for afternoon play------ and they claim that Wichita will send to tourney at least----- 50 players--- which will be a help to us. A letter has gone out to the President of the Pro Ass'n-- asking there,suggestions and criticisms and ete for there Tournament---- also we have sent Courtesy cards-- to all Sport writers on the different papers in Kansas. Thanks fOr reading this and --I know yur help is goin to a big one to us in all ways---and lets keep the ballrolling down the ''fairways'. ‘A FLIGHT FOR EVERY GOLFER” TO TOPEKA —> NO. 40 1G HMA YY H gs 12 A : . . Ferg sl Vos esc Ae bie x 425 ne cLuB ote, E 500 2, ae | No.8 tes e., ae ee og pee as y Lawrence Ses Club, Lawrence, Kansas : 45, Owe 475 YDS. ay No.I2 =e a oe & March ll, 1941 Mre Frank and Charles Cramer The Cramer Chemical Cos Gardner, Kansas My Dear Cramer Hustling Brotherss | MrSe Allen, Eleanor, Bobby and I thenk you for the cold cream and shaving ereameein that order, sSirse Tt is ewell and we all vite you our extreme thanks. | Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical "dveation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach march 3, 1942 Dear Mre Chestnut: Dre Allen and the basketball team are on a trip, but just before leaving he asked me to tell you that he did not believe you would need a signed statement to get in to see him at the Oklahoma A» and Me games After you onee get into the auditorium, the ushers are easy to handle, and Dr. Allen has asked that you go directly to his bench in the auditoriume He is sure you will not have a bit of troubles When he sees you at the game Gat might Dre Allen will be glad to talk with you about your son, Lorraings Dean Templin is not very enthusiastic about athletics and the least said to him about that would be the better policy, tre Allen believese With all good wishes, I Om, Sincerely yours, Seoretary to Dre Forrest Ce. Allen _ BELOIT HIGH SCHOOL ~-~- BELOIT. KANSAS E. M. CHESTNUT, PRINCIPAL “Home of the Trojans’? February 25, 1941 Mr. F. C. "Phog" Alien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Friend, "Phog"s I want to tell you that I greatly appreciated your suggestions about the tickets for the Oklahoma A & M game with your team. Coach Murry is from Oklahoma and is a great admirer of that team's basket— ball ability. I wasn't the only one but I lost the drinks on the game at Stillwater as I wagered with him in a friendly way that Kansas University would win and that Howard Engleman would make at least eleven points. I am sure the game at Lawrence will be an interesting one with the out— come being in doubt. I was thinking that it might be helpful to me if you would send me some kind of a signed statement or card which would make it easier for me to contact you at the game that night. Guards have their orders, and it is embarrassing to try to get by them unless a fellow has a pass or an identification card of some kind. I think we will take ten or twelve boys to Lincoln on Sat- urday night for the game there. I well remember the game there about Aart years ago when you won by two or three points(and the apples flew)..- I don't know whether you would be in a position to say any- thing or whether it would be wise to do so, but Lorraine, my son, has an application in for one_of the Resident's Hall Scholarships of which Dean Templin is chairmatté You know better than I whether it would be wise to say even a word. Anything you might say would be greatly appreciated. I hope someday I will be able to send you a basketball player from my high school, but the best one we have had since I have been here went to Colorado University. Sincerely yours, E. M. Chestnut, Principal Beloit High School 1t February 27, 1941 — Bre Ye Fs Coen 1420 insurance Exchange Buildin Keanses City, Missouri Dear Junior: | | Thanks a millicn for your good letter of February 22, and thanks again for your good wishes. We will be seeing you and yourse : Sincerely yours, FOAslg:min Director of Physical Education and “ecreation | Varsity Basketball Coach W. F. COEN 1420 INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, Mo. February 22, 1941 Doctor Forrest C. Allen Umiversity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: Our board at Rockhill is 9 feet high and is very satisfactory. It may be that you might have more beginners who would hit more wild shots and thus eould use a higher board. I talked with our groundkeeper who is very ex- perienced and he said you would get a- long fine with 9 feet and that 10 feet of eourse would be 0.K. too. The width of ours is about 5O feet. Congratulations again on beating Missouri. I almost went down but my luck hasn't been as good in Columbia and I didn't want to jinx you. However my money went along and I am happy to report good Mizzou money is jingling in my pocket. Good luck Tuesday. Regards, S, 1941 February a Mre Lyman Corlis City Finance Compary 609 Merchant St. Baporia, Kansas Dear Lyman: : i @m very happy to have your good letter of the SOth ultimo and I immediately took your letter to Mr. Earl Falkenstien te tell him that you wanted three additional tickets besides your Keticket for the Oklahoma game on March 7e ; ; Mre Falkenstien said that he would be very happy to take care of you and you can count on the tickets being reserved in your nam@és They will be held here witil your arrival on Friday evening, Merch 7~ However, if you want them sent to you you couid write to Hr. Falikenstien and he will handle them as you desires . | I gertainly will convey your good wishes to all the boys end I am sure that Bob and Howard will be mighty happy to hear from yous You asked about the price of tickets, Single tickets ave 75¢ including tax. With all good wishes to you and your family, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAsig H. J. KINDRED, MGR. MONEY LOANED Salarked People LYMAN A. CORLIS, JR., ASST. MGR. IF You want MonEY- AVE. I7/ CITY FINANCE COMPANY PERSONAL LOANS - CAR LOANS - FURNITURE LOANS 609 MERCHANT STREET BROADVIEW HOTEL BUILDING EMPORIA, KANSAS Januery 30, 1941. Dear Doc: If everything goes as it should I am going to see the team play Oklehome on Mareh 7th, at Lawrence. I have not been able to see many games since leaving school, but I have been keenly interested, and proud of the teams success. As I understand it, I am entitled to one ticket. I would like to have three additional tickets. Good seats will undoubtedly be hard to get for this game, but I hope by writing this early it will be possible to obtain some. Let me know how much three tickets amount, and I will send my check to cover it. If it is not convenient for you to handle this matter, I would appreciate it if you would refer it to the proper person. It is good to see Bob and Engleman having ® big year. They are really two great basketball players. Give my regards to all the boys, and best wishes for your continued success. Yours very truly, Soy i 7 February 4, 1941 Mre Clifton Cornwell Director of Bureau of Alumni Activities Northeast Missouri state Teachers College Kirksville, Missovri Dear Cliftons President Ryle mailed me a snap shot which brought back pleasant memories of your last fall'ts Homecomings _ I want you to mow also that I appreciated very much your followeup dated October 30, in which you paid us @ very levely compliment, It was a great pleasure for me to be with you people and I want you en en ary ee Fe Now, if you are ever out in the Kansas area, ee ee ree tt ret ie ae ie te ee visite With all good wishes to you and yours, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach WAsle November 5, 1940 tre clifton Cornwell Director of Bureau of Alumni Activities Northeast Missouri State Teachers Cole Kirksville, Missouri ‘Dear Mr. Cornwells Your ethan of Qetober 80 to = Allen has been received. Drg Alien fs out of town at the present time speaking at the State High School Teachers Associations meetings, athletic: yoxtentinon, 19 Teledo and Milwaukee. Your letter will be given attention mn Dre Allen's return to the office, Sincerely yours, : Secretary to Dr. Forrest Ce Alien NORTHEAST MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI October 30, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I must continue to tell you how you "hit the spot" for us here, Saturday night. Again and again, since that evening, from faculty, students, and town's people has come the statement that "Phog" Allen certainly delivered in terms of our particular Home—Coming. You and Mrs. Allen made a lasting place for yourselves in the followers of our school. Ours is a family-like group of people as you observed. We enjoy it so much when people fit in to our group. ‘We look forward to having you with us again when the occasion demands. And drop in on us informally whenever you come our way, while attending to other matters. You see, you partly belong to us, now. CC:jl