April 14, 1941 Mire Clifton Cornwell Director of Bureau of Alumni Activities State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri Deer Clif: I have been intending to answer your two letters, especially your fine letter of congratulations on the coechampionship in the BigeSixe The boys more than outdid themselves and I was pleased beyond measure with their successe This makes the 17th championship in the 24° years, so I am more than haprye Thanks for your good wishes concerning next yeare The boys will be big but a trifle green, but I believe we will have good success. Mrse Ailen and I were very much pleased to learn that Bob made Phi Beta Kappas He goes to the University of Pennsylvania Medical School next fall and we believe that he will do very well there as he has set an excellent record in high school and colleges He gets his AeBe hore in Jungs I will also definitely keep you in mind if anything should open upe I can understand your problem and it will be e pleasure for me te cooperate for your benefit. : I remember the keen delight of Mrs. Allen's and my visit to your canpuse Our kindest regards to our friends, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical pducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach \ FPCAslg