Merch 5, 1942 Dre Rele Canuteson Director of Health Service University of Kansas Dear Dre Canutesons J em making a report of the injury to Bill Hogben*s right thumbs. Bill wrote me a note as follows: | “Richt thumb hurt during practice on 3rd of December, Xerey Dets 5 that showed a | fracture, another Xeray on February 28 which showed no improvement and the thumb was still sores “pr. Francisco looked at thumb and suggested the chipped bone should be removed," Bill became a little discouraged about his hand and a few other things and decided not to pley basketball furtherg consequently, about the early part of February Bill gave up the sport and we concurred in his decision, Therefore, Bill has not been out for basketball since that tims. Sincerely yours, Diréotor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg