CLIFTON A. CROCKER, PRESIDENT OF CORPORATION WILLIAM M. KINGSLEY, TREASURER ERNEST M. BEST, PRESIDENT PERCY O. DORR, CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WALLACE V. CAMP, ASSISTANT TREASURER HERBERT L. PRATT, VICE-PRESIDENT SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE CORPORATE NAME INTERNATIONAL. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION COLLEGE SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS NATURAL SCIENCE DIVISION GEORGE B. AFFLECK, DIRECTOR April 23, 1940 PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, STATE TEACHERS COLLEGES Gentlemen: We appreciate the problem of administrators in maintaining an efficient staff. Springfield College has for more than fifty years been training for directors, coaches and specialists in the field of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, and would be glad to place at your service its facilities by way of cooperating in plans of organization and administration or of personnel in this general department of your institution, There are now more than 2,000 Springfield men trained in these fields in positions in the United States and Canada, and in 5” foreign countries. In the present graduating class are 75 men. In the graduate group are 22 men and women expected to receive their Master of Education degrees in June or August. Many of these have already had experience. Both groups, together with alumni who have graduated within the last ten years, constitute a body of trained and in many cases experienced educators in this particular field, Many of the more recent graduates are ready for advancement to more important positions, so the list contains men qualified for practically every aspect of teaching, coaching, organizing and administering, os : = The curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in~ Gludes 124 semester hours of academic work, of which approximately 70 semester hours are in liberal arts subjects, 50 or more in professional courses and the balance in technical and related work. In addition to the above each student must have 12 practice credits in skills and activities, and 6 semester hours in supervised practice teaching, An outline of required courses will be sent upon request, and there is also available an alumni roster showing the exact locations of Springfield alumni, many of whom are in the most prominent positions in the educational world, If you anticipate vacancies in your Department of Health and. Physical Education, and care to send enough details to form a basis for an intelligent selection of candidates, we would be most happy to cooperate with you. We will be glad to have your needs and wishes in this matter, and promise to give same prompt personal attention. Respectfully yours, BA Cet G, B,. Affleck, Director | Division of Health and GBA:B | Physical Education