March 20, 1942 lire Ce Ag Clingenpeel Health and Recreational Service Central College Fayette, Missouri Dear Mre Clingenpeels Thank you, “Clingie", for your good letter as of March Se The Hebrasia game was a corker and we were more than delighted in our ability has been a fine student and en exeuplary chap, both in the hone onl’on the athletic field, end he has been what we call a clean « He @ great source of pleasures | You would reduce the number of fouls to nearly oneehalf, and instead of ganging in and crashing under the basket, the play would be to pass out = alleen cod pe an umd patel see smn eagundl cage ro gation pleyer would lose his importance tremendously because many these gangling fellows would be forced to shoct the same as the rest of the players do who are not so telle His markemanship would not be comparable to the wellelmit, wellecoordinated versatile athlete who accamodates his muscles of his eyes to height the same as he does to distances If you will raise feet and scrimmage e few times, I am sure that you will be sold on thet change more than any others ; ao Agpin thanking you for your kind words and wishing to be remembered ) your good wife ond your splendid family, and with one other fond wi 3 that have more than one of your four sons who will be a stand-out in games in ich you- stood out so prominently, I an, | Sincerely yours, g Eg Director of Physical Education and Recreation 7 Varsity Sasketball and Baseball Coach Arg - : |