Law OFFICES TINCHER, RALEIGH & CUSHENBERY PHONE 62 J.N. TINCHER OFFICES AT cuvok RALEIGH MEDICINE LODGE, KANSAS HUTCHINSON, KANSAS LEAFORD F. CUSHENBERY MEDICINE LODGE, KANSAS April 14, 1941 Coe) f g Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Docter: Bill Forsyth was just in my office to tell me that Clifford Forsyth (no relation) who alse played on our team was coming to Lawrence with him for the Relays, and I am sure he would appreciate an invitation from you too. In my very himble judgment he is not Big Six material, but is a nice clean boy. I feel that you would be glad to hear that Bill and his parents are completely sold on "Phog" Allen, and will definitely send Bill to you next Fall. His father told me Saturday that he was going to write you and tell you that he was just sending the boy up to you to handle as you see fit, and that Bill was te understand that you were to be a father, Coach and any other capacity that you thought was necessary. With that kind ofa béginning I think you can anticipate a most pleasant relationship bene- ficial to all concerned. Incidentally, Bill plans on stay- ing at the Delta Tau house where he stayed before, so you will know how to handle that preposition. I don't want to suggest anything improper, but I have talked to our mutual friend, Drew Hartnett, about making a Phi Psi out of Bill. Right now Drew is still so excited about his week eld boy that he is ne good for anything else. If it is possible and preper for you to show this letter to Mit or to mentien it quietly to him, he might want to give the bey some attention this week-end. With kindest personal regards, I am, i Sincerely SU Jette? Cushenbery J \