SLEDGE AND GPECIALIST {}UREAU PROPRIETOR SOUTHERN TEACHER'S AGENCY GEO. W. COX. MANAGER H. L. FORBES 434-438 GOODWYN INSTITUTE ON en COLUMBIA. S. C. COLUMBIA, S. Cc. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. RICHMOND. VA. MEMPHIS, TENN. = EVE ie 1s, CENN. ay 12, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: It has been reported to us that you will probably need an Instructor in Physical Educatione Will you please write or wire us about this? We should appreciate the opportunity to make recommendations and assure you that your instructions will be followed closely in selecting candidates to fit specifications. College and Specialist Bureau is National in scope drawing its members from all the oe graduate schools. Every registrant is thoroly investigated and must meet a high standard of training, ability, and character. The dean of a large Mid-western university wrote: "Your discriminating and unobtrusive service in supplying superior candidates has been of great help to us." You will be pleased with the definite and relevant information furnished promptly about the candidate. "The papers that you send contain exactly the information that I want," wrote an Eastern college official. If there is an emergency, please wire us collect, stating salary and minimum requirements. In any event, we should appreciate hearing from you; so we may know how to dispose of the report before us. Sincerely yours, COLLEGE AND SPECIALIST BUREAU eA 8by GWC:el Manager 4 20,167 Vacancy File Weiser nance ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS’ AGENCIES