CADP OCT ODAOF OY Historical HE first Teachers’ Agency was es- tablished in Philadelphia in 1835, before the first Normal School. There are now about 150 Agencies —filling a useful niche in our edu- cational program. The National Association of Teach- ers’ Agencies, with more than 50 members, was founded in 1914. Member agencies are required to subscribe to and live up to a strict code of ethics. Member agencies of the National Association are recommended by College and University placement officers to their students and grad- uates. Teachers’ Agencies have grown up with and have helped to develop the educational standards of today. Few factors in the field of educa- tion have done more to combat sec- tionalism within the United States— this has been done by finding the right teacher for a given position regardless of the distance between the two. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS’ AGENCIES OG