UNITED STATES | DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FIELD SERVICE May 5, 1941 Dear Friends of Haskell: Thursday, May 8, is our annual May Day at Haskell. The schedule of activities appears below. Because of your interest in our school, and your cooperation in the past, we want you to be our guests. Inclosed arc tickets for the Barbecue Supper to be served on the West Lawn at 5:30 P.M. - = uly, pprév ay : Ch, lee Cu Z “EE. Russell Carter e Carmod Chairman Visitors Comm, Advisor in | Chargo 12: 45 P.M, Pafade from Winona Hall to Stadium %:00 P.M. Crowning of Campus Queen at Stadium 10 Byh “Games in the Stadium 3130 P.Ms Baseball Game east of giiditorium 51 30 P.M: BatBotue ‘Supper on Yest Lawn 700 P:Ms Awards Program in aualterium 8:00 PiM, sttidetit Couhcil THductio+ west Campus Bi 30 Pil Strect Dahte- winds Hall 8:30 PaMs Stomp Dande- Girls’ Tennis Court (In case of rain the Barbecue Supper will be served under the South Stadium and the Street Dance will be held in the Boys' Gytthasium, Stomp Dance in the Girls' Gymngsium)