IATTAN RURAL HIGH ScHOoL JOHNNIE CORRIGAN, Principal POWHATTAN, KANSAS Jane 30 Dr, Forrest C, 4llen University of Bansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Will you please answer this problem for mes Of course I have my own ideas but I would like to get them verified or rejected. Your team has the ball and your player is fouled 50 seconds before the game is over. Your side is one point ahead --will you throw that free throw. (only sne free throw allowed Your presence certainly added fire to ine meeting of the coaches at Topeke during the holidays. I heard several fellows say "I surely like to hear Allen talk." Some people ean get their ideas acrosse : Now that Missouri has been knoeked from the unbeaten elass I look and also hope that old Kansas eomes thru again with the title. I know that I am dumb but I aid not quite understand that defense you used in Fopeka. I watehed Bob Allen and Eline mueh of the time. They looked to me like they were playing a strict man to man ee of the eenter line. I have one boy this year who I feel bs of college ealiber. The only one who I feel eould make a real good team sinee I have been here; however it is the old story. He will probably go to sone sm1l school beeause of financese We played in Atehison, Leavenworth and St. Joe against their team--sure we beat all three of theMe The point is that these toms did not have any player that eame up to this boys ability. Again with the best of luck, Yours very sineerely,