February 19, 1940. Mrse Nelle Davis Callahan, 8021 Marty, Overland Park, Kansas. Dear Helles tlinsl illic dae sie wach teas boanee ce ioik serneus ata mame oe ilMissouri. Indeed I do remember harvesting ice, because every Christmas vacation I helped harvest ice out at the Dickinson Lake and during the sumers and vacation time I peddled it. And how | many tines Mrs. Davis saved my life with that wonderful buttermilk of hersg I'll never Tomget IX. : Mrs Davis wie busy up tiem with his Welle-Fargo and Bell Telephone business, but I could always count om a fine glass of | buttermilk at the Davis households And you can well imagine that the Davis's always got extremely good weight from the icemn?g Give our kindest regards to Mr. Tavise | : Nothing would please me better than to have an Ettinger and a Davis coming to K. U. next years. ‘Tell J. “. and Don that we are counting on theme I wish some time that both the boys could drive out and look over the campus, and incidentally have a visit with us here. i understand that Don's father is an officer at Fart Leaverworthe Is he still thers? Tell me all about the possi-: bility of Je We caning. I would be glad to help both boys with same work if it is necessary for them to work to help defray their expenses. Now sit down and write me a long letter and give me the dope on these tw boys. : Thanking you so much for writing me and enclosing the Clipping, I em Very sincerely yours, 7 , Divector of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache