February 27 a. é Mr. Jack Copeland 8 s Editor . ichita Beacon Wichita, Kansas Dear lip. Copeland: fg . Dre Allen has refs your letter P Februery e5th to this office in regard to the tickets for Kenase-Miseours. basketball game Fridey evening. We Kave been out of reserved seat tickets since February 15th and have had to turn away several hundred requests already. We have had general admission tic- kets in the top balcony, but this location does not offer a ! a good view of the playing court, and we do not recommend it f you really vent to see the came. Our press space is also limited and those tickets have already been issued to these sports writers who cover our games regularly. It seems thet there just isn't anything that we can do abou "at except offer you standing space or some of the general admission tickets, and i am quite sure that you would not want to make the trip here to wateh the game from either location. in the event that you do, we will be gled to do the very best we can, and wish t you would ad- vise us whether or not are coming because I am sure there will be absolutely nothing available by Friday evening, - not even standing room. Magretting Shad we qamnet Sake sane of you in a good location, Very sincerely yours, Ee Le Falkenstien, Sec! UV. of Kans. Phys. Edu. hears BLF: IW