KANSAS CITY JOURNAL DAILY AND SUNDAY ORVILLE S. MCPHERSON ‘ PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER RUSSELL H. MILES KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI VICE PRESIDENT & GEN. MANAGER J. C. JOHNSEN February 22 VICE PRESIDENT @ EDITOR Dr, F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence ,Kas, Dear Dr, Allens: Thanks for yours of recent date regarding a meeting of basketball officials during the National VYoaches Convention here in March. I plan a discussion with Ted OtSullivan during our trip to Lincoln Saturday. We will write officials in all sections, inviting their suggestions and their attendance at a meeting here March 29 or S0-¢ Incidentially, I must make a choice between going South with the baseball club or remaining in Kansas City. I have worked so many games for N.C.A.A. teams this winter that I intend to remain here this winter if they will want my services in the sectional elimination and national championship. Otherwise, I am affaid the publisher will ask me to “cover" the Blues. Will action along that line be taken soon? The club starts training early in March. it might be a good idea to get the ball rolling on the N.C.A.A. competition about the first of the month and if I can bé of any assistance please feel free to call upon me. With kindest regards, = ~ PS= Would it be possible fo get three passes and two tickets to be paid for to the Kansas-Missouri game? Sincerely,