7O Outside Rooms Each with Bath ov Shower Open ALL the Yeav. ‘Ten Floors of ‘Modern Gomfovt With Steam Heat (94) FLORIDA’S DELIGHTFUL ALL-YEAR HOME HAINES CITY, FLORIDA J. C. CHUTKOW, MANAGER Tuesday Dr. F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kas, Dear Dr, Allen: This will acknowledge receipt of your check covering fee and expenses for the N.C.A.A. play-off in Oklahoma City, also your kind letter, It was a hard fought game between two fine teams, The only thing I was sure of before game-time was that regardless of the winner the fifth district would be represented in the Sectional finals by a real champion, Now that your team is in it loses its identity as a University of Kansas scuad, You are representing the entire section and I know that everyone in the Big Six and Missouri Valley will be in your corner Friday night,’ Judging by comment in Oklahoma City Sunday morning the K,U.-A.—lM. game must have been one of the greatest in history so far as spectators were concerned, People who do not make a@ habit of attending the big league games in our section don't know what they miss,’ Thanks again and my only wish is that your team plays up to its ability the rest of the way. I feel that will be good enough to win, Kindest regards, TV Aype , ORANGES, ORANGE JUICE, GRAPEFRUIT, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE SERVED FREE TO OUR GUESTS