STANDARD STEEL WORKS NORTH KANSAS CITY, MO. A. H. CROMB U Ss A ASS'T TREAS. April z : 1940 Dr. F. CC. Aiien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: This letter is a couple of days late because I have been out of town. Unfortunately, I was not in town on the two weekends that Kansas played here but, believe me, I certainly stayed close to the radio both times. IT certainly feel that you and the team are to be con- gratulated both for the fine showing you made in the Big Six race and in the outcome of the tournament here. There really is not a lot of difference between the winner and the loser of the final game in any tourna- ment in my way of thinking; the main thing is to be one of the two teams playing in the finals. You have a lot of thanks and honor coming to you from K.U. and this vicinity for all you have done for basket- ball in the past years and I think it is fine that you were able to put your team in the final game. My room- mate in the Harvard Graduate schooldays used to be from Southern California and, of course, I had a lot of pleasure sending him a collect wire the night after you beat them. I certainly hope things work out fine for you for the next season and congratulations again to you and the team. Best regards. 7 very truly, Oe ae romb Ling Chun Fe AHO: