July 15, 1940. 3 1 on very much interected in ‘whet we are doing Brcreenrin gio sind | i ee ony Se agreed my crntimngy sey 7 | : Sere ee THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE TEACHERS APPOINTMENT BUREAU July 3, 1940 Dre Fe Cy Allen 105 Robinson University of Kensas Dear Dr. Allen: For some time I have been wanting to talk with you about the possibility of getting out a folder to send to the high schools in the state in the interest of our candidates in physical education. For the past several years we have used printed folders like those inclosed to inform the public school administrators about our teacher training program in various fields. It seems to me that it would be a good idea to get out one for physical education. It would have to be about the same size as those for social studies, English, mathe- : matics, art and home economics. The other two for graduate students in English and graduate students in education cost a great deal more because of the use of cuts. If the students would be willing to pay for the cost of engraving which is about three dollars we might get out one of the illustrated folders. I em sending these to you so that you might think the matter over and I will talk with you leter in the summer. If you feel that your department would be interested 1 should like to get the printing done some time during the fall semester so that we could have them ready to mail out before the regular appointment season begins next year. Sinc Ul L ; Secretary of the Teachers Appointment Bureau HEC :M July 27, 19406 Director of , | Bdueation and Recreation, Senate Mabie Gana | corres pondentee Praga regarding Geraid Tuckere very much I ya wang “Sasa ys beat we lly phone conversation this moming will suffice, Sincerely yours, Sf and when you return from the sounizye ‘With ell good wishes, 1 am \ July 2, 1940 Mr. Gerald Tucker Winfield, Kansas Dear Gerald; I had hoped to see you at Topeka this week but I notice by the papers that you have deeided not to play there, Needless to say many Jayhawkers, past and present students are hoping that you wild attend the University of the state in which you live. It doesn't seem possible that it has been twelve years ago when I had the same decision to make but that's what the _ egalendar shows. At that time I was on the U. S. Davis Cup Team and there were a number of schools interest- ed in my attending their particular universities. Naturally I was anxious to be where I could get all the tennis possible but the primary concern Was not sport but the school because that was something that would last long efter any game had ceased to be of any importance to me except from the viewpoint of a spectator. I was urged to go East; I was urged to go West but it seemd to me that I should go where I would make the friends and acquaintances that would mean a lot to me the rest of my life. Anyway I chose Kansas and I have never been sorry. I played basketball under "Doc" Allen and while I wasn't very good it still is an experience that cannot be matched anywhere in the country. All you have to do is to consider the coaches and ster players who have been produced uncer his .- guidance. As a tennis player I certainly had no regrets over choosing Kansas, We had good teams, "Doc" fixed us up with an indoor courtg so that we could pley the year around and as a tennis team we had every consid- eration and were given all possible encouragement. 'I am going to arrange with the Rockhill Club- here to extend playing privileges to at least one or ‘ two good young players and I am confident that if you should be as close as Lawrence, you could be the player | chosen. This would give you invaluable practice with a”, Hal Surface, myself, and other good Kansas City players over week-ends and any time you could get down. 7 Here is a strong vote for mew MISSOURI VALLEY TENNIS ASSOCIATION Territory—Arkansas, lowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Part of Illinois EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS Oo W.-¥. Coen, ‘Jr: Sek Kansas City, Mo. President Monroe C. Lewis, St. Louis, 1st Vice-Pres. J. W. Mitchell, Little Rock, Ark. 2nd Vice-Pres. Sterling Lord, Burlington, Iowa, Secretary Russell C. Hadden, St. Louis, Treasurer EX-PRESIDENTS Davison Obear, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph W. Ivy, Kansas City, Mo. Dr. F. E. Diekneite, St. Louis, Mo. STATE DELEGATES Frank Newton, El Dorado, Ark. B. J. Carney, Des Moines, Ia. R. P. Scott, Independence, Kansas Karl P. Kammann, St. Louis, Mo. S. Wm. Deveny, Omaha, Neb. F. G. McMurry, Oklahoma City, Okla. DELEGATES AT LARGE Karl H. Hodge, St. Louis, Mo. Carl Burst, St. Louis, Mo. William F. Luther, Tulsa, Okla. SECTIONAL DELEGATE TO THE U.S.L.T.A. Russell C. Hadden, St. Louis, Mo. he : tact . Herbert Markwort su “Ay E Executive Secretary 7 4, 2235 S. Grand Blvd. 4 ST. LOUIS, MO. July 2, 1940 Doctor Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: Gerald Tucker cancelled his entry at Topeka at the last moment and so will not be there. I have written him today, a copy of which is attached herewith. If you can suggest anything which I might do to help him to go to Kansas please let me know as it pains me deeply to have to beat Kansas boys every year in order to win a championship for Kansas. He seemed very undecided here but I got the impression some fast talking might help a lot. He looks pretty big and tough and would look nice grabbing some of those rebounds in the last few minutes when those Oklahoma boys look so damn tall. Let me know if there is anything I can do, Best regards, Address all Correspondence to the Executive Secretary Varsity Basketball Coaches Sites ° lis i. and Mrse Lyman Cor 3 August 5, 1940. Very sincerely yours, birotor of sys nhwation and Merentton Varsity Basketball Coaches Z,\08PM = | : SAT | ( THIS: SIDE OF CARBISFOR ADDRE H. J. KINDRED, MGR. LYMAN A. CORLIS, JrR., Asst. MGR. tiny Salaried Pesale Welave ia? PHONE 1472 CITY FINANCE COMPANY PERSONAL LOANS - CAR LOANS - FURNITURE LOANS 609 MERCHANT STREET BROADVIEW HOTEL BUILDING EMPORIA, KANSAS 4 nea a 1040 a ivi: alles ae Nnrector oj ri LCs J Le ‘eC Gt Ny TTawnat +. Qo celrathe 77 Ane el i ‘ a e 2 3 TT, 8 3 3 e ¢ . s i ee ~ coy, oe ; 22 a An . "Tay Z c 4.7} C&i us to Le > ere so 714 * Saar at qx7¢ 4- ~y7! 7344 n~, & mae tm 4 Att os A445, mature aanfi ot 5 Ne) ) O ) Vv > : an 1 YS ac = Le s. o oa a x — 1 _ nino. a as 7 fe _ +444 OD > . 25 = f L ime our ‘ - - 4 i * 1 ~~ +1. cre . -- > * lati 7m AMN1 tT and Ge rho r a - Cha c Ey y } = ) ° re) - vw 1A rar LS ° < yee “nen ae 1 is 293954 — 4 9 a1 + ‘ay 1,8 a j S17 t) »Lteebsu {) Ave I LtGton € 1C Pie ‘ : ~ ines FE eae ie ad de a oy ie Ln on ein Ee “oe gt srt ~ fami] 1IeAN. C ; 14 nist sa ae en fo and one y Pg 4 | hoa ~~ in we - <> ~ — 4 ~14 ei - - - who Spreads nsni : , CTC eo i NnNOne iT: Gav 1 > i i oe s a ™ a 28 2 eo go ee ee aaa ARs i an oe 1S O04 , ~< e j + @ = 4}, Irfan An at WAORranna ) “22D 2% la +: 72 a4 ' ‘ i [ > f c ii 2 oS 3 = : April 17, 1940. PCAsal Varaity Basketba1 Coaches The Mid-West’s Friendly Hotel TARIFF SCHEDULE One Person—Single room with bath $3.00 to $6.00 Two Persons—Double room with bath $4.50 to $8.00 Two Persons—Twin-bedded room with bath $6.00 to $10.00 eR TOURIST—FAMILY RATES Three Persons—Room with bath, double bed and additional bed. From $6.50 Four Persons—Room with bath, containing two double beds. From $8.00 *+ * PARLORS—FROM $5.00 PARLOR-BEDROOM SUITES—FROM $9.00 No charge for children under twelve unless additional sleeping equipment is required. There is no charge for infants’ cribs. DINING ROOMS | All Stevens Dining Rooms are Air-Conditioned. Coffee Shop Breakfast—From 35c Luncheon—From 35c Dinner—From 75c Oak Room Luncheon—From 75c Dinner—From $1.25 Rose Room Dinner Only—From $1.00 Continental Room Breakfast—From 50c Luncheon—From 75c Dinner—From $1.75 No Cover Charge Dancing from 7 P.M. till 1 A.M. Saturdays 7:30 P.M. till 2 A.M. STEVENS GARAGE SCHEDULE OF RATES Day Parking Minimum: . =. $50 Maximum (12 hours) . $ .75 Night Parking Ito°6: hours. 6. S78 8 to 24 hours .. . $1.00 ie hours © 36.0 3 1.00 Weekly . ... . 5.00 Evening or Short Time Parking, Pick-up and Delivery . . 50 Pick-up and Delivery Service Outdoor Parking Lot—Southeast Corner ED OUrS oy Pea he ak ee an ee aS 2. hours—In-Out Service .- 3 2. 8 ow eg 35 24. hours—Dead Storage... 06s ee SSS -50 24 hours—In-Ont Service (6... 6k ke 60 Perhaps you are interested in seeing the Stevens’ “back of the house” operations. Call Mr. Fulmer, Supt. of Service, for a conducted tour. Postage Will be Paid by Addressee No Postage Stamp Necessary If Mailedinthe United States BUSINESS REPLY CARD FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 6580 SEC. 510, P.L.& R. CHICAGO, ILL. STEVENS HOTEL Michigan Boulevard, 7th to 8th Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ____ ROOMS (] DOUBLE BED WITH Cltwin peps AND BATH yor LIONE PERSON 4,7 ¢ PER DAY [|] TWO PERSONS DATE I EXPECT TO ARRIVE AT M. REMARKS NAME ADDRESS STEVENS HOTEL CHICAGO MICHIGAN BOULEVARD : EPH P. BINNS . Sea: MANAGER AT oe ae VES. Pla ely al ic or MiCHIGAN April 15, 1940 Mr. E. B. DeGrott, Jr. University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kas. Dear Mr. DeGroot: This will acknowledge and thank you for your letter of April 13th, on the subject of accommodations during the Physical Education Convention, We are pleased to enclose a schedule of our guest room rates. A parlor and connecting bedroom with twin beds and bath can be had at $11.00 to $18.00 per day for two persons. A suite consisting of a parlor and room with double bed and bath can be had at a charge of $10.00 to $19.00 per day for two persons. We will be most happy to have you with us and do hope that you will select The Stevens as your headquarters. Will you please notify us as far in advance as possible the accommodations you desire? Your preference can then be guaranteed. Cordially yours, THE SITEVENS JA L. Gerhart servation Manager. JLG:AG April 22, 1940. Stevens Hotel, . Dear lire Gerhart: 7 Very sincerely yours, : Direstor of Physical mdusation and Recreation, STEVENS HOTEL CHICAGO : MICHIGAN. BOULEVARD JOSEPH P. GENERAL oan AT BALBO DRIVE | OVERLOOKING LAKE MICHIGAN be WABASH 4400 April 20, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education & Recreation University 6f Kansas. Lawrence, Kas. Dear Mr. Allen: Please accept our sincere thanks for your letter of April 17th. Apparently we misunderstood Mr. DeGroot's letter to us on April 13th. He mentioned that he would possibly be interested in a suite, therefore, we quoted rates on that basis. However, in addition we sent him a schedule of all of our room rates, the same as we are enclosing with this letter. We might add that all of our minimum rate rooms had already been on reservation for your group; however, a few cancelations came through today and we will hold them in your name to protect your reservations on a minimum rental basis. In doing this, however, we would appreciate an immediate response as to your requirements. We are very happy that you called this to our attention and will be very pleased to be your host during the coming Physical Education Convention. Cordially yours, THE STEVENS - Gerhart eservation Manager. JLG:AG The Mid-W est’s Friendly Hotel TARIFF SCHEDULE One Person—Single room with bath $3.00 to $6.00 Two Persons—Double room with bath $4.50 to $8.00 Two Persons—Twin-bedded room with bath $6.00 to $10.00 * * * TOURIST—FAMILY RATES Three Persons—Room with bath, double bed and additional bed. From $6.50 Four Persons—Room with bath, containing two double beds. From $8.00 * * * PARLORS—FROM $5.00 PARLOR-BEDROOM SUITES—FROM $9.00 No charge for children under twelve unless additional sleeping equipment is required. There is no charge for infants’ cribs. DINING ROOMS All Stevens Dining Rooms are Air-Conditioned. Coffee Shop Breakfast—From 35c Luncheon—From 35c Dinner—From 75c Oak Room Luncheon—From 75c Dinner—From $1.25 Rose Room Dinner Only—From $1.00 Continental Room Breakfast—From 50c Luncheon—From 75c Dinner—From $1.75 No Cover Charge Dancing from 7 P.M. till 1 A.M. Saturdays 7:30 P.M. till 2 A.M. STEVENS GARAGE SCHEDULE OF RATES Day Parking. Minimum .... . §$ .50 Maximum (12 hours) . $ .75 Night Parking l to 8 hours ..°. . -$ .75 8 to 24 hours .. . $1.00 13 hours-= 3... 1-00 Weekly ..... 5.00 Evening or Short Time Parking, Pick-up and Delivery . . 50 Outdoor cient Lot—Southeast Corner Pick-up and Delivery Service 12 Hows ose s $ .25 12 hours—In-Out Garviee inte eee) tig Paes egg or, 35 24: hours—Dead ‘Slorage 5. 6055). i Se NG 50 24: hours—In-Out Service (<6) 6 eh 60 Perhaps you are interested in seeing the Stevens’ “back of the house” operations. Call Mr. Fulmer, Supt. of Service, for a conducted tour. April 1S, 1940. \ che peice fete, Chicago, Illinois. Will you Idndly send me your rates for a double room with bath and also for a single roon with bath for persons attending the national convention of the imerican Assoviation of liealth, Physical Education and Recreation in Chicage, April 24=27? Sincerely yours, James li, Raport, ete Instructor in Physical Hducatione - April 2, 1940. Ernest Quigley is giving $100.00, but the coaches ' are going to heve a Naismith Night each year, similar to the one they had when they raised 87,000 to send Dre Naismith to Berlin and provide an honorarium for him so that he could buy Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCASAH | Varsity Basketball Coaches THORNTON COOKE, PRESIDENT SIDNEY K- COOKE, VICE PRESIDENT CHARLES L, AYLWARD, VICE PRESIDENT OWWM BIA ~ CAPITAL $ 500,000.00 March 29, 1940 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: SIDNEY M. COOKE, CASHIER GEO. W. FARRAR, Asst. CASHIER WM. J. KRAXNER, Asst. CASHIER -I met Wesley Loomis this noon and he told me to write to you and ask you to send to me $5 he contributed some months ago toward a memorial for Dr. Naismith. He said that as nothing was being done now toward such a memorial, he would rather have the $5 go toward a fund we are raising for Alumni Place. I am sort of looking after the Kansas City end of this, and the $5 will be very welcome, indeed, oo a le P.S. Wesley said that if a movement were launched in earnest for the memorial to Dr. Naismith, he would send you another $5. April 16, 1940. Mire Kemneéth 201 Se Santa Fe, nine aoa It was nice of you to remember to write and thani Se ee I asmure you it is elemys a pleasure to help a mn who is mindful of aid that has beon proffered in his behalf. 1 wid te vind to ned you at Min falas, end. eine cerely hope that you will have « big year next winters With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, coe thvevbor of Mision) Btaatdcn and Reerubttetly FCA sali Varsity Basketball Conch, e CALDWELL & RUSH NEW AND USED FU WOOD AND COAL ‘e. 2 CHANUTE, KANSAS lift 1S, VFO April 5, 1940. Director of Physical Education and Recreation, — Varsity Basketball Coaches S.H.CAMP and COMPANY JACKSON, MICHIGAN . OFFICE OF FRANK H. KAUFMAN 330 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK ‘ March 25th, 1940 Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs The tremendous demand by educators through- out the country for a small, inspiring posture leaf- let produced by us last year has prompted us to issue a& more comprehensive one, showing how good posture may be applied to everyday activities. A sample of the new booklet is enclosed. } National Posture Week will be observed this year from May 6-11 and a number of important schools, colleges and health groups have already scheduled pro- grammes to observe this important occasion. A copy of a one act play in mimeograph form (acting time, half an hour) suitable for National Posture Week exercises by seniors, is available upon request. Copies of the enclosed booklet are offered free to you in limited quantities, and we must ask that your request for these be forwarded to the writer no later than April 15th. In anticipation of your cooperation, we are, Respectfully yours, S. H. CAMP & COMPANY - Pou Hana Meafeh 15, 1940. New York City, N.Ye Tear Ii. Memberdts I have received a copy of the Frohse Atlas of umen Anateny, end am very well pleased with it. - We are going to use this book for our class in Remedial and Keanination in this department, and we : use it as a text in our class arate cae aie teen (1 | of the paper=bound form, at $1.00 each as per your letter of March 2nj. | Janes He Raport, Instrustor in Physical Education. INC. 44 East 23rd Street - - - - - - WHEN IN NEW YORK... We invite you to visit our exhibit rooms and museum. You will find here special sections devoted te dis- plays of: Models and Manikins, Charts and Atlases for the Biological, Medical and Nursing Sciences Anatomical Bacteriological Botanical Embryological Gynecological Hospital Dolls Neurological OB Manikins, Dolls and Charts Pathological Moulages Physical Education Pocket Guide of Anatomy Tuberculosis Urological Zoological Skeletons, Skulls and Bone Preparations Human Zoological Prepared Specimens Spalteholz Preparations Human and Zoological Zoological Dissections and Life Histories Cabinets for Skeletons Models, etc. Laboratory Instruments, Supplies and Specialties including Dissecting Kits and Instruments Microdissecting Instruments ADAMS Centrifuges Angle Centrifuges Universal models for micro work Museum Jars GOLD SEAL micro slides and cover glasses Concavity~and culture slides Micro slide boxes and trays Magnifiers Hemacytometers Hemoglobinometers Substage Lamps NEW YORK Telephone Algonquin 4-9779 March 2, 1940 Mr. James H. Raport Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ANSWERING: Your letter of Feb. 28th Dear Mr. Raport: We are sending a copy of the Frohse Atlas of Human Anatomy with paper binding and are marking the invoice on approval. Since there is no formal purchase order on this item, we are sending our invoice herewith and respectfully quote on this as follows: paper bound - $1.25 each cloth 7 2.06 less 20% if ordered in quantities of twelve or more of either edition or assorted. Please letus know if a requisition is to be placed. Very truly yours, CLAY-ADAMS COMPANY, INC. LAM: RM (lfred Mennhardt ec /HEZ irector aturel Science Dept. J, Ss Gr tt ©