THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE TEACHERS APPOINTMENT BUREAU July 3, 1940 Dre Fe Cy Allen 105 Robinson University of Kensas Dear Dr. Allen: For some time I have been wanting to talk with you about the possibility of getting out a folder to send to the high schools in the state in the interest of our candidates in physical education. For the past several years we have used printed folders like those inclosed to inform the public school administrators about our teacher training program in various fields. It seems to me that it would be a good idea to get out one for physical education. It would have to be about the same size as those for social studies, English, mathe- : matics, art and home economics. The other two for graduate students in English and graduate students in education cost a great deal more because of the use of cuts. If the students would be willing to pay for the cost of engraving which is about three dollars we might get out one of the illustrated folders. I em sending these to you so that you might think the matter over and I will talk with you leter in the summer. If you feel that your department would be interested 1 should like to get the printing done some time during the fall semester so that we could have them ready to mail out before the regular appointment season begins next year. Sinc Ul L ; Secretary of the Teachers Appointment Bureau HEC :M