MISSOURI VALLEY TENNIS ASSOCIATION Territory—Arkansas, lowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Part of Illinois EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS Oo W.-¥. Coen, ‘Jr: Sek Kansas City, Mo. President Monroe C. Lewis, St. Louis, 1st Vice-Pres. J. W. Mitchell, Little Rock, Ark. 2nd Vice-Pres. Sterling Lord, Burlington, Iowa, Secretary Russell C. Hadden, St. Louis, Treasurer EX-PRESIDENTS Davison Obear, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph W. Ivy, Kansas City, Mo. Dr. F. E. Diekneite, St. Louis, Mo. STATE DELEGATES Frank Newton, El Dorado, Ark. B. J. Carney, Des Moines, Ia. R. P. Scott, Independence, Kansas Karl P. Kammann, St. Louis, Mo. S. Wm. Deveny, Omaha, Neb. F. G. McMurry, Oklahoma City, Okla. DELEGATES AT LARGE Karl H. Hodge, St. Louis, Mo. Carl Burst, St. Louis, Mo. William F. Luther, Tulsa, Okla. SECTIONAL DELEGATE TO THE U.S.L.T.A. Russell C. Hadden, St. Louis, Mo. he : tact . Herbert Markwort su “Ay E Executive Secretary 7 4, 2235 S. Grand Blvd. 4 ST. LOUIS, MO. July 2, 1940 Doctor Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: Gerald Tucker cancelled his entry at Topeka at the last moment and so will not be there. I have written him today, a copy of which is attached herewith. If you can suggest anything which I might do to help him to go to Kansas please let me know as it pains me deeply to have to beat Kansas boys every year in order to win a championship for Kansas. He seemed very undecided here but I got the impression some fast talking might help a lot. He looks pretty big and tough and would look nice grabbing some of those rebounds in the last few minutes when those Oklahoma boys look so damn tall. Let me know if there is anything I can do, Best regards, Address all Correspondence to the Executive Secretary